DML Event Notification for creating Objects

  • Hi All,

    I created a DDL trigger to log DDL events, I hve a generic database present on all production systems called DBA, the idea is to have objects relating to the collection of DMV data onto a seperate DBA database, I also decided to log the DDL events that the trigger traps on the DBA database as well.

    The problem I am having now is that, ordinary users dont have permission on the DBA database, I dont want to have to create every user on the DBA database and give them permissions, I tried geting round the problem by having a stored procedure in the Trigger which does the insert, and in that stored procedure use the keyword EXECUTE AS, but this doesnt work as the users dont have a security context on the DBA database.

    Is there a way to make this work seemlessly without the need to grant permissions, as I want to remove the need to grant permission on the DBA database before users can carry on with thier day to day activities.

  • In SQL Server 2005/2008 you can sign a Stored Procedure with a certificate which allows you to grant access to the Certificate User. Here is a link to the BOL entry on this:

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