Dividing count(*) by DateDiff always equals 1

  • Hi,

    I have a log table, where I record information about items scanned on shelves. I'm now querying the table to see how long each shelf takes to scan, how many items on each shelf and finally, for each shelf, how many items were scanned in a second:


    DISTINCT shelf,

    DATEDIFF(s, MIN(scan_datetime), MAX(scan_datetime)) AS timeelapsed,

    count(*) as ItemCount,

    count(*)/(DATEDIFF(s, MIN(scan_datetime), MAX(scan_datetime))) as ItemsPerSecond



    GROUP BY location

    ORDER BY timeelapsed

    Everything looks good apart from the ItemsPerSecond figure which always comes out as 1. If I switch the division round (to get seconds per item) it always comes out as 0. The TimeElapsed and Count values are both integers, so presumably that's why the result is only coming out as in integer too? How can I fix this? Thanks,


  • Because both operands are int, you're getting integer division and the result is an int.

    To avoid that, cast one of the operands to float or an appropriatly sized numeric. It doesn't matter which one.

    Gail Shaw
    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server, MVP, M.Sc (Comp Sci)
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  • Have you tried converting your int's to decimals?

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  • Thanks to both of you. Casting the count to a float did the trick,


  • Here's a "cheater" method...

    count(*)*1.0/(DATEDIFF(s, MIN(scan_datetime), MAX(scan_datetime))) as ItemsPerSecond

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  • Interesting.

    Using the count(*) * 1.0 method: 24/16 = 1.500000000000

    Using the cast as float method: 24/16 = 1.5

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