Divide problem in SSRS

  • I don't know for some reason Divide "/" in my SQL statement pulls empty in SSRS report. For example 2/3 in my SQL gives empty in SSRS report. I have aliasing for 2/3 just so you know.

    Is there any setting or something. It's weird. Someone please help me. Thanks.:-D

  • Can you please show the entire expression that is not working?

    One other thing to be aware of, in T-SQL depending on your data types 2/3 will result in zero in many cases. Do you have any special handling in SSRS for a value of zero?

  • select 2/3 tru from dual

    Its not T-sql its oracle. Thanks.

  • When you execute the dataset in SSRS, not the report itself, just the dataset, what is returned?

  • I opened the dataset and clicked on run and it went through. When i run this in Toad it gives me the result.:-D

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