Displaying XML in SSRS

  • Hello,

    Is there a way I can display an XML to reporting services? Right now it displays like a normal text.

    Thank 🙂

  • Before displaying your xml string to report dumpt that into temp. tables are per your schema.

    & display your report from that temp. table.

    I'm doing the same & works fine.

    Wish u all the best.


  • Hi Sandip,

    Have you got a sample one for me?

    I already built a query and that includes the XML message that I got from my table. I don't know how to make schema one as I'm new with SQL and still learning.

    Thanks for your help.

    Cheers 🙂

  • Please explain me what exactly ur looking for

    I did not understnd your requirement corretly.

    thank you

  • Hi,

    I'm using a table with xml field with it and I need to display it in SSRS in the right xml format. What I did is I made a query in Data tab:

    SELECT LoginDate, XMLMessage

    FROM Table1

    The XMLMessage displays but in the format that I wanted to, it displays as normal text, which is in one line and I wanted to display it as xml format.

    Can xml schema do this?

    Thanks 🙂

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