disk space full

  • hi

    When running the following statement on server from an SMSS query window

    exec [PVInventoryMaster].[pv].[InventoryMgmt_pr_MostStockedParts_Select] @OrgID='18482D84-6249-4681-9A27-04F0C5B18E33',@ManufacturerID=4,@Locale=N'en-US',@CurrencyCulture=N'USD'

    I get results, but I also get the following errors. Can anyone shed some light on this for me? Would this be why we are getting timeouts for the execution of the above mentioned SP?

    Msg 5128, Level 17, State 2, Procedure InventoryMgmt_pr_MostStockedParts_Select, Line 71

    Write to sparse file 'K:\SQLData\PV\SNAPSHOT_PVPartsMaster_PrePatch043_Data.mdf' failed due to lack of disk space.

    Msg 5128, Level 17, State 2, Procedure InventoryMgmt_pr_MostStockedParts_Select, Line 71

    Write to sparse file 'K:\SQLData\PV\SNAPSHOT_PVPartsMaster_PrePatch043_Data.mdf' failed due to lack of disk space

    could you plz tell me what are the steps I need to take?


  • Seems you're running one (or more) snapshots and you're running out of diskspace (unable to store the original data in the snapshot).

    If you're not able to reclaim diskspace, delete the snapshot this way:

    Check with SQL Server management studio, open the item database snapshots under databases Here, you see the snapshots. Right click on a snapshotname and select delete

    Or execute the command drop database snapshotname

    I assume you've checked that it's ok to remove the snapshot 🙂

    The best things in life are the simple things

  • If the data changes rapidly in the source database then the snapshot might run out of disk space. If a database snapshot runs out of space, it is marked as SUSPECT, and it must be dropped.

    [font="Verdana"]- Deepak[/font]

  • Could you please the Disk space, It seems that opartion need more space you do not have enough space. What is the DB Size? How much space occupied by Particular DB?



  • Bottom line: buy more disk space.

  • That's true Steve, But try to archive old files which is no loger meaningful for the server/DB. Becuse of this you may cleanup your drive too.



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