Disk Space

  • I am able to pull all database file from each server by using this..

    -- creates a table DatabaseFiles

    IF OBJECT_ID('DatabaseFiles') IS NULL


    SELECT TOP 0 * INTO DatabaseFiles

    FROM sys.database_files

    ALTER TABLE DatabaseFiles



    -- inserts data into table DatabaseFiles

    EXECUTE sp_msforeachdb 'INSERT INTO DatabaseFiles SELECT *, GETDATE() FROM [?].sys.database_files'

    --slect data from SELECT * FROM DatabaseFiles

    SELECT name,physical_name,size FROM DatabaseFiles where type_desc<>'log'

    Now I want to list all database files from the disk and then I need to get

    List from the Disk NOT IN (DatabaseList) that will be my final list of files to delete.Now How do i list the files from disks.

    Once i get my list i want to delete them from the DOS prompt as i cudnt delete some files directly because it gives me an error saying the file is used by some program.


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