Disable sql 2005 backup schedule

  • I need to stop database daily backup as its eating up mu disk space.

    Pls how can i go about it no maintence plan was configure initially

  • I would recommend not to remove the back up.... If something happens you loose everything.

    Maybe some has a Back Job set up. That is why Back up is being generated


  • i have a netbackup technology in place now thats doing the generally backup .

    pls help am running out of space and need to either reschedule it or disable the backup.

    Presently it runs FULL everyday.

  • solution_developer (2/20/2009)

    i have a netbackup technology in place now thats doing the generally backup .

    pls help am running out of space and need to either reschedule it or disable the backup.

    Presently it runs FULL everyday.

    Is this a job that is scheduled? You can go to SQL Agent folder and expand Jobs folder and look for the job and disable it/delete the backup files but before doing this contact your business and get some written statement.

  • If this is a standard sql job executing t-sql, you may want to convert this into a maintenance plan (this makes it easier to manage the backups), decide what your retention policy should be and add a maintenance cleanup task to remove old backups that fall outside your decided upon retention policy. You can do this from a standard sql job as well, but it takes quite a bit more effort if you aren't well versed with t-sql.

    deleting the backup schedule all together is not a great option though because you will want to have at least some backups for disaster recovery.

  • solution_developer (2/20/2009)

    i have a netbackup technology in place now thats doing the generally backup .

    pls help am running out of space and need to either reschedule it or disable the backup.

    Presently it runs FULL everyday.

    Before disabling your backup, you should verify that your "netbackup" is working properly and that you can use it for recovery. Have you done a test restore from your "netbackup" to make sure it works ?

  • Thanks to all for the help.

    The scheduled job has been modified.

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