Did Integration Services get uninstalled?

  • I'm receiving error messages in the SQL Server Agent Log stating the SSIS subsystem can't be found when a couple of scheduled jobs are supposed to run.

    Someone suggested I run the following query:

    SELECT * FROM msdb.dbo.syssubsystems where subsystem = 'SSIS'

    I found that I no longer have SSIS in the subsystems table. Does this mean it was removed from the system?

    This problem occurred after installing the GDR 1406 for SQL Server hotfixes.

    Thank you for your time.

  • I figured out how to answer my own question...

    SSIS was not unistalled as I can still connect to the instance of SSIS through SSMS and the version is that same as my Database Engine. I can see all of my maintenance plans as well under the MSDB folder. However, my msdb in the database engine of the server does not have SSIS listed in the subsystems table. I guess my msdb is jacked or it's at least missing a line in the subsystems table in the msdb database.

    Now, how did that happen, and what can I do to fix it?

  • I suspect there's a problem with the hotfix. Other posts discuss problems where the hotfix had to be rolled back.

  • Unfortunately I ended up doing an total reinstall and restore, at least it works now.



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