Determining Object Owner...

  • I have an issue that I need to resolve.


    We recently had one of our SQL Server DBAs leave the company and now I am tasked with trying to locate any objects that he may have created (databases, tables, stored procedures, etc.) during his time here.


    I need to write a query that I can run on each of our servers (close to 100 mostly SQL Server 2000 with a few SQL Server 2005) that goes through all the databases and returns any object owned by any form of his login (ex: jon, john, johnny, jonathan).


    The long term goal is once all the objects have been identified would be to change ownership to the sa account.


    I am a fairly new DBA so please bear with me.


    I can get the list of logins from the Master database via the sysxlogins table.


    I also see each database has a sysobjects table but I do not see any specific object names and any correlation to the sysxlogins table.


    Any help would be greatly appreciated!








  • Here's how we do it.

    1. Pick a server that will be your 'reporting' server.

    2. Created linked servers from the reporting server to all the other servers.

    3. Create a table called tServer with ServerID and ServerName columns at a minimum.

    4. Create a table called tLogin with ServerName and Login columns.

    5. Create this UDF.

    CREATE FUNCTION dbo.udfGetServer(@id AS INT)




    DECLARE @value VARCHAR(20)

    SET @value = ''

    SELECT @value = @value + CONVERT(VARCHAR(20), ServerName)

    FROM dbo.tServer

    WHERE ServerId = @id

    ORDER BY ServerName

    Return @value


    6. Create this stored procedure.

    CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.spGetPersonsObjects

    @personlogin VARCHAR(10)



    File Name: spGetPersonsObjects.sql

    Created By: William Fleming

    Created: 3 November 2006

    Purpose: This script will return all objects owned by the

    login entered as a variable.



    DECLARE @ServerID CHAR(5),

    @login VARCHAR(50),

    @ServerName VARCHAR(30),

    @ServerCount INT,

    @ServerPosition INT,

    @FullName VARCHAR(30),

    @FullName1 VARCHAR(30),

    @FullName2 VARCHAR(300),

    @string VARCHAR(2000)

    SELECT @ServerCount=MAX(ServerID) + 1

    FROM tServer

    SELECT @ServerPosition = 0


    WHILE @ServerPosition < @ServerCount


    SELECT @FullName=dbo.udfGetServer (@ServerPosition)

    IF @FullName = ''

    WHILE @FullName = ''


    SET @ServerPosition=@ServerPosition +1

    SELECT @FullName=dbo.udfGetServer (@ServerPosition)


    SELECT @FullName1 = @FullName

    SET @FullName2 = '['+ rtrim(@FullName1) + '].master.dbo.syslogins j'

    SET @serverID = @serverposition

    SET @string = 'INSERT tLogins ' + 'SELECT '''+ @FullName + ''',

    FROM '+ @FullName2 + ' ORDER BY'

    --PRINT @string

    EXEC (@string)

    SET @ServerPosition=@ServerPosition +1





    7. Add your server information to tServer.

    8. Run the stored procedure. If you want to test it, comment out the EXEC(@string) line and uncomment the PRINT @string line.


  • Hi John,

    This is a slightly confusing area with in SQL Server (but for a good reason) - Users and Logins are different things.

    A login may be a Windows User with access rights granted in the SQL Server or it may be a SQL Server login such as sa. These are detailed in the syslogins table.

    A user is database specific and a login can be mapped to it within a database. It is used to control access and ownership of objects within a database and independently of a login. (Two or more logins may map to the same user).

    A user owns a database object rather than a login. This is normally the dbo user. details where the information for mapping logins to users in a database is stored.

    So you can find all objects owner by a user within a database using sysobjects and sysusers but Im not sure finding all of the objects created by a login regardless of the user within a database is possible.. it might be though

    Hope this gets you on your way,

    - James

    James Moore
    Red Gate Software Ltd

  • Thanks for the responses gentlemen!

    I will put this knowledge into use tomorrow and see how I make out.

    Thank you both for taking the time to help me out- it is much appreciated!!!

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