Detect "(Select All)" parameter option in report

  • I have a report with a multi-value parameter (list of products). What I would like to do is detect when a user chooses the "(Select All)" option.

    I suppose I could somehow query the number of products in my query and then compare it to a count of the parameter values, but I thought there might be an easier solution.

    I'm using Report Services 2005. Thanks for your time.

  • Assuming your parameter is called "productID", you can set the value for the "Select All" option to something arbitrary that won't be a valid value normally like -1 and using IIF to check the value you then use one of two queries.

    The first query as used below doesn't use the productID in the WHERE clause.

    =IIf(Parameters!productID.Value = "-1", "SELECT...", "SELECT...WHERE...")

  • What I came up with, and never have liked, was to create two additional parameters. The first identical to the multi-valued one the user sees. The defaults are set to ‘All’ using the same query ( or procedure ) that populates the list to begin with. A second hidden parameter ( bit ) is defaulted to 0 or 1 based on the following expression

    =IIF(Parameters!UserPicked.Count = Parameters!All.Count,1,0).  Bad news is that if you install SP1 on your report server the 'Select All' check box disapears.  This leaves us with the option of adding ( unioning ) an 'All' option to the pick lists. 


  • There's a pretty good walkthrough in the books online (Walkthrough - Using a Dynamic Query in a Report). Hope it helps

  • I have similar problem

    perhaps you can do as I do in data set property

    SELECT     NULL AS Code, 'None' AS Description, 'None' AS Name


    SELECT     Code, Description,Name

    FROM         your table name or view

  • This solution worked - Thanks!

    Summed up as follows:

    I have a multi-value parameter listing a list of products, named "products"

    I created a second parameter named "all_products_count" that is set as multi-value and hidden, using the same query as "products"

    Now I can figure out if the user choose all the products in the list:

    Parameters!all_products_count.Count = total number of products available to user

    Parameters!products.Count = number of products user chose from the list

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