Destination Text File limited to 16 columns?

  • Hi,

    I'm using DTS to fill text files (CSV) from an Oracle database. Most tables are exported ok, but those with more than 16 columns don't. Enterprise Manager quits unexpectedly when trying to define the columns in the destination file.  A transfer to Excel or MS SQL works allright, but I need a file that doesn't quit after approximately 65000 rows (as is the case with Excel).

    By the way, the problem also occurs when I first transfer to MS SQL and from there to a CSV-file.

    In the documentation I haven't found something about the 16-column issue yet. I found a Knowledge Base article about a bug fix for text files when using calculated columns, but that's not what it's about here.

    Any suggestions? Please let me know...



  • I have found the solution. It is mentioned in KB814113.

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