Dervied Column

  • Hi,

    am new to SSIS. i have Excel sheet like,

    Column 1 Column 2 Column 3

    Zone Prefix Prefix1

    Zone 1 044 54121,78221,4100

    Zone 2 055 1240,142,14578,14501,1400

    I need to separate the column3 (Prefix1) with reference of ',' Separator.

    is it possible to generate the derived column column4

    like 04454121 and Column5 like 04478221 and column6 like 0444100.

    The number of comma separator different for each row of the sheet.

    Thanks in Advance

  • What are you going to do with the data once you have separated the columns - import it into SQL Server, or something else? Is there a maximum number of comma separators that you can have?


  • Try using a derived column transformation in conjunction with the TOKEN expression.

    For example, for what you are calling "Column4" the expression would be something like:

    [Prefix]+TOKEN([Prefix 1],",",1)

    "Column5" would be:

    [Prefix]+TOKEN([Prefix 1],",",2)

    ....and so on.

    I'm on LinkedIn

  • Hi,

    After separation ,Need to compare the values in other Excel sheet. The other excel sheet looks like

    Excel Sheet 1

    Column1 Column 2 Value

    044 5142 108.8

    044 0200 145.21

    044 0100 90.00

    Excel sheet 2

    Column1 Column 2 Value

    044 5142,0200,0100 100.10

    055 12010,1452 95

    After separation of the ',' in Excel sheet 2 Need to compare the values with Excel sheet 1.

    Thanks in advance

  • In that case, I think I'd import into SQL Server tables as is, then use a splitter (search this site for how to do that) to separate the values, and finally use a join to do the compare.


  • Thanks John

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