Deploying Report Model

  • Hi, is there a way to deploy a report model without using Visual Studio? I am trying to deploy an application to a remote site that I have no access to with end users who know absolutely nothing about VS. I need to get the Report Model deployed and pointing to the correct data source with as little user interaction as possible.

    I currently use a script like this to deploy reports:

    SET LOGFILE="RS Scripter Load Log.txt"

    SET SCRIPTLOCATION=c:\tempreports\

    SET REPORTSERVER=http://localhost/ReportServer$sql2k5

    SET RS="C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\90\Tools\Binn\RS.EXE"

    %RS% -i "%SCRIPTLOCATION%Mist Report 2006\Arrivals By Canadian Province.rdl.rss" -s %REPORTSERVER% -v

    Is there something similar for the report model?



  • Well, it looks like I stumped everybody (or maybe my question wasn't clear enough).

    Anyhow, I found a tool called RS Scripter which generates a script to deploy Reporting Services stuff. This seems to be doing the job.

  • Hi

    can you please paste the script for deploying report model programatically.

  • You'll find the tool here:

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