Deleted Merge Replication

  • I had deleted a merge replciation running sp_removeddbreplication and also checking MS_Publications table ans MS_Snapshot_Agents table in the distribution database.  But for some reason the deleted merge replication reappears every Monday.  I remove it and it works for a week and reappears on Monday.  I know how to remove it temporarily by running sp_removeddbreplication and making sure no references to it exist in the MS_Publications and MS_Snapshot_Agents tables in the distribution database.

    Please advise on how to remove them permanently?  Want could be causing them to reapear every Monday?  Any inputs will be much appreciated as I am fairly new to replciation and being a SQL Server DBA.



  • When you write that you 'deleted merge replication', does that mean that you deleted the subscriptions and the publications? or just the subscriptions?

    It seems to me, based on the 're-appearance' of the publication and subscription each and every monday, that a scheduled job is in place that recreates it (perhaps on Sunday night?).


    To check for this, expand Management folder in the enterpirse manager and then expand the SQL Server Agent. Under the SQL Server agent, select jobs. On the right hand pane, there will be a list of jobs. Perhaps the culprit is in there.



  • use the Enterprise Manager to remove- It will remove all its dependent objects aswell, then you run sp_RemoveDBReplication


    Shamshad Ali.

  • Thanks Lorenzo.

    Looks like there was a job.  I just disabled it and will wait until Monday to reconfirm. 

    Thanks for the input

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