delete where not exists

  • Good morning,

    I have two tables, Patient_Policies and Vouchers.

    Patient_Policies has a field Patient_Policy_ID

    Vouchers has Current_Patient_Policy_ID and Original_Patient_Policy_ID

    I would like to delete Patient_Policies records if the Patient_Policy_ID does not exist in Vouchers in either Current or Original.

    If I only had to worry about one, say Current_Patient_Policy_ID I would do this:

    DELETE Patient_Policies WHERE Patient_Policy_ID IN

    (SELECT pp.Patient_Policy_ID FROM Patient_Policies pp LEFT JOIN

    Vouchers v ON pp.Patient_Policy_ID = v.Current_Patient_Policy_ID WHERE v.Current_Patient_Policy_ID IS NULL)

    I can't quite get how to do when the Patient_Policy_ID can't be in Current or Original?

    Thank you!






       Patient_Policy_ID NOT IN ( SELECT DISTINCT Current_Patient_Policy_ID FROM Vouchers)

       AND Patient_Policy_ID NOT IN ( SELECT DISTINCT Original_Patient_Policy_ID FROM Vouchers)

    Dinakar Nethi
    Life is short. Enjoy it.

  • you could also do a left join

    delete p

    from patient_policies p

    left join vouchers v

    on p.patient_policy_id = v.current_patient_policy_id

    and p.patient_policy_id = v.original_patient_policy_id

    where ((v.current_patient_policy_id is null) and (v.original_patient_policy_id is null))

    Kindest Regards,

    Seth Washeck

    If nothing in this world satisfies me, perhaps it is because I was made for another world.
    C. S. Lewis

  • Thank you Dinakar and Seth!



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