Decoding the Log

  • Detective

    We often see questions here in the forums on how to decode the log, read the log, undo or recover from bad transactions, etc. The recommendation is almost always to use a log reading tool. There are quite a few out there and I see recommendations for all of them.

    I also get calls for reviews of tools and I have to say it's hard to do. In fact, I've got an article this week that talks about the issues and is really looking for suggestions on how we can do a better job. In the meantime...

    I got 2 unsolicited reviews of log readers from a new author and longtime community member. So I decided to put them out on consecutive days. I happened to mention in an email that the author missed at least one other tool and a week later I had a third review.

    So, just to be clear, these are unsolicited reviews and I am fairly sure that the vendors were unaware that they were being tested. So I'm presenting the three reviews on three days to give you a chance to draw your own conclusions.

    Also since some of you aren't interested in log readers, we've got a few other articles this week and expanded content so you can find something else interesting.

    And lastly, it's 3 weeks to opening day. Who's got the best shot this year? My Yankees? The BoSox? Can the Cards repeat? Will the Rockies upset the West?

    Actually I'm more excited about playing myself. Despite the snow we've gotten in two practices and I'm looking forward to getting out there and playing my own games in April.

  • So in your estimation what are the top 5 transaction log third party applications or tools on the market to assist dbas with all transaction log tasks and error verificationd.  I asked for the top 5 as to not implicate you in having any bias for a particular tool in the event you are affiliated with any of the distributors of transaction log sql server products.

    Anthony Malone

  • Personally I'm not much of a log reader guy. I bought Lumigent a long time ago (2000-2001) and thought it was amazing, but never really used it for a production system. Maybe it's just the way I work.

    I know work for Red Gate as a point of disclosure, and all of these companies have paid me for advertising for the last 4-5 years.

    I can only tell you that I've heard good things about Lumigent, Apex, Red Gate, and Log PI (now Golden Gate). There have been complaints, but overall the tone of responses from people has been the products work. You can read about 3 of them today and over the next two days.

  • The Bosox Have Reloaded And Our Lips Yearn For the Taste of Champagne That We Tasted Two Years Ago. I Think We Will Quench Our Thirst Again This October. V-8 Juice Mixed With GrapeFruit Juice And Lemons ALL Around For Yankee Supporters

    Anthony Malone

  • Baseball? Meh! It's till Hockey season!!

    Go Preds!

    [font="Tahoma"]Bryant E. Byrd, BSSE MCDBA MCAD[/font]
    Business Intelligence Administrator
    MSBI Administration Blog

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