decimal point in SQL-server2000 / decimal comma in SQL-server2008

  • We have servers with SQL-server2000 wich use and display a comma ',' for a decimal seperator.

    For example a field x with type 'decimal(10,4)' --> 10001,5768

    The same tables/fields wich are imported on another server with SQL-server2008 displays it with a decimal point '.'

    For example a field x with type 'decimal(10,4)' --> 10001.5768

    Why ???

    Has SQL-server changed that in version 2008 ???

    Or can i configure it for example during installation ?

    Thanks on forehand !!

  • As far as I know it's not possible to force the use of comma as decimal separator in T-SQL code.

    You can use it in SSMS to display data.

    -- Gianluca Sartori

  • Thanks for answering so quick !

    Is it neither possible to configure it when installing the server and/or database ?

    ( by the way: what does ssms stand for )

  • I don't think it's possible.

    SSMS stands for SQL Server Management Studio, the client tool used for queries and management.

    -- Gianluca Sartori

  • Thanks so far !

    Maybe someone can explain the difference between 2000 and 2008.

  • Here is one method of showing a decimal value in the format you requested.

    DECLARE @v DECIMAL(18,4)

    SET @v =10001.5768

    SELECT REPLACE(convert(nvarchar(15), cast(@V as money), 2),'.',',')



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  • Thank you !

    When i dont have any other posibility i will use this.

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