Decide Grade based on Percentage Range

  • Hi,

    I need the best way to find the grade based on Percentage Range

    in SQL 2005

    Percentage Table

    LowerPercentage HigherPercentage Grade

    0% 40% D

    41% 60% C

    61% 80% B

    81% 100% A

    Students Table

    StudentId Percentage

    10001 75%

    10002 45%

    10003 11%

    10004 86%

    Final Output should be

    StudentId Grade

    10001 B

    10002 C

    10003 D

    10004 A

    Please help

  • Looks easy. So, what have you tried so far to solve this problem?

  • Please try the following, I am also learner, please tell me if any thing wrong in my query, as per my tests it is giving correct results.

    Select studentId,

    casewhen percentage>=0 and percentage<=40 then 'D'

    when percentage>=41 and percentage<=60 then 'C'

    when percentage>=61 and percentage<=80 then 'B'

    else 'A'

    end as Percentage

    from #Tempstudent

  • Pemmasani Srinivasa Rao. (12/4/2009)

    Please try the following, I am also learner, please tell me if any thing wrong in my query, as per my tests it is giving correct results.

    Select studentId,

    casewhen percentage>=0 and percentage<=40 then 'D'

    when percentage>=41 and percentage<=60 then 'C'

    when percentage>=61 and percentage<=80 then 'B'

    else 'A'

    end as Percentage

    from #Tempstudent


    You are correct, we also using the case statement, but the value of the grade in the table and not in the string, so we may use the join to archive this easily.

    create table #PERCENT

    (LP int,HP int,Grade varchar(2))

    insert into #PERCENT

    select 0,40,'D'

    union all

    select 41,60,'C'

    union all

    select 61,80,'B'

    union all

    select 81,100,'A'

    create table #student

    (SID int,Perc int)

    insert into #student

    select 1001,75

    union all

    select 1002,45

    union all

    select 1003,11

    union all

    select 1004,86

    select a.SID,a.Perc,b.Grade

    from #student a inner join #PERCENT b


    a.Perc between b.LP and b.HP

  • Have to agree, this is how to accomplish this task. Too bad the OP didn't show us what they had tried.

    create table dbo.Grade (

    LowPercent tinyint,

    HighPercent tinyint,

    LetterGrade char(1)


    create table dbo.Student (

    StudentID int,

    Percentage tinyint


    insert into dbo.Grade

    select 0, 40, 'D' union all

    select 41, 60, 'C' union all

    select 61, 80, 'B' union all

    select 81, 100, 'A';

    insert into dbo.Student

    select 10001, 75 union all

    select 10002, 45 union all

    select 10003, 11 union all

    select 10004, 86;





    dbo.Student s

    inner join dbo.Grade g

    on (s.Percentage between g.LowPercent and g.HighPercent)

    order by


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