DB Times Out

  • I'm trying to modify an existing table to allow null values on a column using management studio, and get the following error:

    'Database' table

    - Unable to modify table.

    Timeout expired. The timeout period elapsed prior to completion of the operation or the server is not responding.

    The row count on the table is 100 million rows, size of the table is 16.5 GBs.

    Should it be timing out?

  • Script it out to be

    alter table yourtable

    alter column yourcolumn datatype null

    and you should not have that same problem.

    I have had that same issue when using the interface before. Scripting it out invariably negates that issue.

  • that worked THANKS.


    use database

    alter table dbo.table

    alter column coumn1 [decimal](9, 2) NULL

    took less than a second.

  • The database tools shipped with the workstation component should not be used to "ADMINISTER" a production Server. Scripts are the way to go because you will be in FULL Control of what actually is going to happen. Those UI Tools tend to drop tables, etc ...

    * Noel

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