DB Mirroring issue

  • Hi All,

    I am new in Database mirroring, please do help me on this.

    I am getting below error while setup Database mirroring:

    "the server network address cannot be reached or does not exist. check the network address and that the ports for the local and remote endpoints are operational"

    Thanks in advance..

  • Did you try to disable Windows Firewall and then try?

    Try the following recommendations one by one:

    1) Make sure that the mirror database is ready for mirroring.

    2) Make sure that the name and port of the mirror server instance are correct.

    3) Make sure that the destination mirror server instance is not behind a firewall.

    4) Make sure that the principal server instance is not behind a firewall.

    5) Verify that the endpoints are started on the partners by using the state or state_desc column the of the sys.database_mirroring_endpoints catalog view. If either endpoint is not started, execute an ALTER ENDPOINT statement to start it.

    6) Make sure that the principal server instance is listening on the port assigned to its database mirroring endpoint and that and the mirror server instance is listening on its port. For more information, see "Verifying Port Availability," later in this topic. If a partner is not listening on its assigned port, modify the database mirroring endpoint to listen on a different port.

    Reference : msdn.microsoft.com

  • Your answer is in the message:

    "the server network address cannot be reached or does not exist. check the network address and that the ports for the local and remote endpoints are operational"

    The principal cannot connect to the mirror.

    This could be any number of issues.

    Check the logs on the mirror. If you see a login failure, then you can fix this by using a login with the proper permissions, etc.

    If not, it's a network issue.

    Could be a firewall rule, port, DNS, or any number of things. You need to reach out to your network folks.

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