DB Design

  • Hello folks i am assigned a task to design a plan of action for a DB design for a new project.

    I jotted this down as far as my knowledge, i would like you guys to please critique this and correct it.

    Plan of Action


    Make a list of entities


    ERD/ Data Model


    List of querries we want out of DB

    Reduce Data Redundancy

    Do some Data restructuring

    List Data I/O Sources

    List out Contraints


    Decide upon keys

    Analysis of all fields (data types)


    Create Schema

    Naming COnventions

    Implement Referential Integrity


    Querries/Stored Procedures

    Data I/P mechanisms(Selcet * INTO)


    Load Sample data

    Test out all Queries

    -- Please help/Critique/Comment/Suggest

    Today is the tomorrow you worried about yesterday:-)

  • Don't forget your security and performance requirements/considerations 🙂

  • DR, Backups, Log Shipping etc. 🙂

  • Business rules. Business Rules.. Business Rules.. 😀

    Ideally if you can get them in words, not just entites and relationships. That way that business folks can review them for accuracy.

    For example, "A campaign is always managed by an Advertiser" or "An Advertiser is the entity which pays us", etc.

    Often times strange rules come out of these exercises, like “well, sometimes a Campaign IS an Advertiser” or other strange rules... (note: purposely ridiculous for illustrative purposes)

  • Disaster recovery...

  • Index Design



  • Shouldn't you have the list of queries or what questions need to be answered before designing the ERD? I'm in the middle of a project now and every time someone thinks of a new question they want to answer I have to change the design. (yes, I try to predict these, but I'm in Development and don't think very much like some of the marketing people.)

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