Daylight Savings time change effect on jobs

  • I have several jobs scheduled to run at 1am.  What should happen when the time changes from 2am to 1am this upcoming Sunday? 

    I ran a quick test by setting a job to run at 1am and setting the clock ahead to Sunday 1:59am.  The job did not run.  So, does SQL Server somehow know not to re-run jobs when the time changes?  Then again, I reset the clock to before 1am and it didn't run the job when it became 1am.  All these time adjustments may have confused my pc, so I'm going to reboot and set the time to 12:59, let it run the job, and then see if it runs it again after the time changes at 2.

    Any thoughts?




  • There's another thread about this in the Backups forum:



  • Thanks Greg.

    After further testing, it appears that SQL Server sees that the job has already been run based on the date last run, and does not run it again.

    (I set up a job that appends text to a file - it writes the first time, but not the second).


  • Thanks Bill, you proved what I thought when I started the other thread.    Just out of curiosity, have you set any kind of backup to run as a scheduled job to see what happens?  I would assume the same result, but haven't been able to test here yet.  Thanks.

    My hovercraft is full of eels.

  • To keep this from becoming an issue with any scheduled job or process, I never schedule a job to start between 12:55AM. and 2:05 AM. This takes care of the switch from and to dayligh saving time. for the job that runs at 1:00 AM reschedule it to run at 12:55 AM, I don't think running the job 5 min earlier will make a difference.

    Good luck.

    Don't count what you do, do what counts.

    SQL Draggon

  • No, I didn't try a backup.  If I understand corrrectly, a main concern is the overwriting of the actual 1am tran log back up.

    So, you could set up a job to rename it, ie:

        Declare @cmd varchar(250),@oldfile varchar(150),@newfile varchar(50)

       set @oldfile ='c:\log.trn'

       set @newfile='log_pretimechange.trn'

       set @cmd = 'ren ' + @oldFile + ' ' +  @newfile

       EXEC master..xp_cmdshell @cmd

    Then, under the notifications tab, check the box for delete job on success - that way you ensure that this job  won't run again after the time change.

    By the way, if your server's local time settings are set to adjust for DST, I don't think you actually get to 2 - the clock seemed to jump from 1:59:59 to 1:00:00.

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