
  • Comments posted to this topic are about the item Datetime3

  • For me, I started working from home on March 18, 2020. I think that it was the next day that the governor ordered non-essential state employees (not emergency or law enforcement) to work from home. I mentioned last week that it will probably be at least a year of working from home for me.

    But it has allowed me to spend more time with our three Beagles. Our two eleven-year olds that we had raised from birth, Zeus and Athena, had limited time left on Earth. Twice a week for three weeks, I would drive 1.5 hours in the morning from Columbia, SC to Greenville to drop Zeus off for radiation; my wife would drive up in the afternoon to pick him up. Zeus's last day was October 27 and his sister's was November 30. Our four-year old, River, was mourning and miserable. Earlier this month, we drove to Raleigh to pick up a nine-year old, Austin, whose owner passed away in September. River has accepted Austin and she is no longer howling, except for ambulance sirens.

  • I understand and empathize with all of you who have suffered through this horrible year in your lives.  But I can truthfully say that I have personally been through far worse times in my life than 2020.  I have tried to keep things in perspective by reflecting on past personal events lots of which I won't detail here.

    Just an example:  My wife of 41 years is a double below-knee amputee due to a medical emergency five years ago.  We've both been through bouts of cancer and survived.

    Praise God we both woke up again this morning and enjoyed our first two cups of coffee relaxing with our Golden Retriever beside us.  Then my wife got up and walked on her prosthetics to the kitchen and fixed breakfast.

    I have to conclude that life is not all that bad.  Hang in there, friends.  We can all do this!



    One of the best days of my IT career was the day I told my boss if the problem was so simple he should go fix it himself.

  • skeleton567 wrote:

    I understand and empathize with all of you who have suffered through this horrible year in your lives.  But I can truthfully say that I have personally been through far worse times in my life than 2020.  I have tried to keep things in perspective by reflecting on past personal events lots of which I won't detail here.

    Just an example:  My wife of 41 years is a double below-knee amputee due to a medical emergency five years ago.  We've both been through bouts of cancer and survived.

    Praise God we both woke up again this morning and enjoyed our first two cups of coffee relaxing with our Golden Retriever beside us.  Then my wife got up and walked on her prosthetics to the kitchen and fixed breakfast.

    I have to conclude that life is not all that bad.  Hang in there, friends.  We can all do this!

    I'm glad that you and your wife survived cancer and that it is past.  Beginning mid 2017 into the start of 2018, my wife went through multiple surgeries for cancer, then ending with radiation. Reading the news this year, some hospitals are being slammed so hard with COVID patients that they are delaying cancer treatments.

  • River climbing a tree after a squirrel. River was a few months shy of turning four. Zeus is near the tree. Athena is in the background and later seen at the end of the video.

    River and Austin playing. Austin is a nine-year old that has his retirement home now; he came to us via Arizona after his breeder/owner in Illinois passed away. We aren't ready for another puppy for AKC events with the COVID-19 uncertainty.

  • Ralph, thanks for sharing the video of the 'puppies'.  Pet videos are our favorite u-tube and facebook features.


    One of the best days of my IT career was the day I told my boss if the problem was so simple he should go fix it himself.

  • skeleton567 wrote:

    Ralph, thanks for sharing the video of the 'puppies'.  Pet videos are our favorite u-tube and facebook features.

    Thanks. River was not the gracious hostess for Austin's first day. She accepted him on the second day; although she gets insanely jealous when he plays with her toys.

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