Date time convertion problem

  • Hi all, I hope someone here will be able to assist.

    I have a server running my SSRS reports with regional settings set to South Africa. Everybody can view the reports without any problems. Then someone decided that they need Windows 10 on their laptop and now the reports on this users laptop is giving an error "conversion failed when converting date and / or time from character string."

    Ive check the users laptop and settings are set to South Africa, same as all other PC / laptops on the network who accesses the reports.

    What else is there to check, are there "extra" regional settings maybe hidden away from me in SSRS?

  • This sounds like you're entering a date that isn't valid but effectively "could be". Take, for example 31 January 2016. I would type this as 31/01/2016, but an American would type it as 01/31/16. If either of these were typed in the wrong environment, then the conversion error would occur (but the dates are still correct, as such).

    Normally, your browser would actually handle, when using a date field. What browser is your user using? If it's not IE/Edge do they have the South African Language pack installed? Also is your field a date field, and not a text field? If it's text, then these errors would be more likely to occur, as no "conversion" will happen.

    As a side note, I haven't had any experience with Edge being using to interact with SSRS. I've used it myself on other sites, and (to me) it felt unfinished, so it could be a compatibility thing if they are using the new browser. Windows 10 comes with IE as well, so it may be worth asking the user to try IE instead, to check if that solves the issue.


    Excuse my typos and sometimes awful grammar. My fingers work faster than my brain does.

  • Hi

    The users can't actually enter the data, they are forced to select from either a calendar or from list which contains only the year month. For all other users its working, except Win10, but the reglional settings on the laptop is correct.

    Im not sure if I should spend time on win 10, SSRS or SQL Server to find the problem.'

    Many thanks

  • If you're using the calendar, that shouldn't be a problem. Are you able to confirm the browser they are using?


    Excuse my typos and sometimes awful grammar. My fingers work faster than my brain does.

  • Hi Thom A

    You hit the nail right on the head. I personally use chrome as well to view the reports but it seems that the user has a outdated version of Chrome (28) and its not playing nicely with SSRS. My version (50) works perfectly with SSRS and Ive never had any problems. I test the reports on the laptop now in IE and works as it should.

    Solution is to update Chrome to the altest version.

    Many thanks

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