Date Rounding

  • My goal was to create a function that I could pass a datetype and date to and it would return a rounded version of the date.

    Example: ROUNDDATE(m, '03/18/2011 10:28:00') would return 03/01/2011 00:00:00. I need to identifying the datepart property.

    -- Conceptual function --



    @DateType ?dateproperty?

    @Date datetime


    RETURNS datetime



    return dateadd(@DateType,datediff(@DateType,0,@Date),0)


    Much like DATEADD( datepart , date ) and DATEDIFF ( datepart , startdate , enddate ).

    Does anyone know what the datepart property is in the DateAdd / DateDiff function? Can I inherit or emulate it?

    I had to settle for the following:



    @Datetype varchar(2),

    @Date datetime


    RETURNS datetime



    declare @returndate datetime

    set @returndate = getdate()

    if @Datetype in ('year','yyyy','yy') set @returndate = dateadd(yyyy,datediff(yyyy,0,@Date),0)

    if @Datetype in ('quarter', 'qq', 'q') set @returndate = dateadd(q,datediff(q,0,@Date),0)

    if @Datetype in ('month', 'mm', 'm') set @returndate = dateadd(m,datediff(m,0,@Date),0)

    if @Datetype in ('week', 'wk', 'ww') set @returndate = dateadd(wk,datediff(wk,0,@Date),0)

    if @Datetype in ('day', 'dd','d') set @returndate = dateadd(dd,datediff(dd,0,@Date),0)

    if @Datetype in ('hour','hh') set @returndate = dateadd(hh,datediff(hh,0,@Date),0)

    if @Datetype in ('minute','n') set @returndate = dateadd(n,datediff(n,0,@Date),0)

    if @Datetype in ('second','ss','s') set @returndate = @date

    if @Datetype in ('millisecond','ms') set @returndate = @date

    RETURN @returndate


  • What your desired output is for any date given, give the first day of the month @ midnight, correct?

    -- Cory

  • Something like this should work.


    SET @date = GETDATE()

    SELECT @date

    SELECT DATEADD(dd, DATEDIFF(dd, 0, DATEADD(DD, 1 - DAY(@date), @date)), 0)

    -- Cory

  • No my desire is to create an enterprise level function where I can pass a datepart and a datetime and have it return the datetime rounded to the datepart.


    ROUNDDATE(d,'03/18/2011 10:50:42') --Result: 03/18/2011 00:00:00

    ROUNDDATE(yyyy,'03/18/2011 10:50:42') --Result: 01/01/2011 00:00:00

    ROUNDDATE(hh,'03/18/2011 10:50:42') --Result: 03/18/2011 10:00:00

    I want to identify what SQL considers the datepart property.

  • DECLARE @DateType char(1)

    DECLARE @Date datetime

    SET @Date = GETDATE()

    SET @DateType = 'H'

    SELECT CASE @DateType

    WHEN 'Y' THEN DATEADD(yy,datediff(yy,0,@date),0)

    WHEN 'D' THEN DATEADD(d,datediff(d,0,@date),0)

    WHEN 'H' THEN DATEADD(HH,datediff(HH,0,@date),0)



  • The Datepart argument of DATEADD cannot have a variable passed to it according to BOL:


    Is the part of date to which an integer number is added. The following table lists all valid datepart arguments. User-defined variable equivalents are not valid.

    So, you'd have to use a case statement or similar to achieve this (or use dynamic SQL).

  • Thank you for your reply, Howard. I had read that document but I was hoping there was a work-around.

    From my understanding, I cannot use Dynamic SQL because it cannot be called in a function.

  • True - a series of conditional statements isn't too arduous though as it's a relatively small list

  • If you're using SQL 2008 then its simple


    This will automatically strip off the Time part of the date.

    PS : The 112 is option, and an old habit of mine.

    SSC Guide to Posting and Best Practices

  • Emote :BeatingHeadAgainstDesk:

  • ptn1 (3/18/2011)

    Emote :BeatingHeadAgainstDesk:


    I get tired of all the blocked sites from work...

    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server 2008
    Author - SQL Server T-SQL Recipes

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    For better assistance in answering your questions
    Performance Problems
    Common date/time routines
    Understanding and Using APPLY Part 1 & Part 2

  • You may find that a Case structure beats a series of IF's (as suggested by Howard), and that using date arithmetic is faster than CONVERT().

    Create FUNCTION [dbo].[ROUNDDATE]


    @Datetype varchar(4),

    @Date datetime


    RETURNS datetime



    declare @returndate datetime

    Select @returndate

    = case when @Datetype in ('year','yyyy','yy')

    then DateAdd(yy,Datediff(yy, 0, @date),0)

    when @Datetype in ('quarter', 'qq', 'q')

    then DateAdd(qq,Datediff(qq, 0, @date),0)

    when @Datetype in ('month', 'mm', 'm')

    then DateAdd(mm,Datediff(mm, 0, @date),0)

    when @Datetype in ('week', 'wk', 'ww')

    then DateAdd(ww,Datediff(ww, 0, @date),0)

    when @Datetype in ('day', 'dd','d')

    then DateAdd(dd,Datediff(dd, 0, @date),0)

    when @Datetype in ('hour','hh')

    then DateAdd(hh,Datediff(hh, 0, @date),0)

    when @Datetype in ('minute','mi','n')

    then DateAdd(mi,Datediff(mi, 0, @date),0)

    Else @Date


    RETURN @returndate


    Note that the default result covers both the "seconds" and "milliseconds" options in the original code as well as user mis-entries like "min" for minute. One caveat is that the date arithmetic method is limited by the output of Datediff() being an INT, so it won't handle seconds or milliseconds for dates more than about half a century past the base date of 1 January 1900.

  • Interesting, John. I'm always looking for ways to optimize queries. I appreciate your contribution.

  • Makes me wish that SQL Server had the TRUNC function like Oracle, it is very handy for this purpose.

    Someone even suggested it in Connect,, but it was turned down. I think it would be great to have, anyone want to re-file it and see if Microsoft is in a more giving mood? 🙂

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