Date columns of the month matrix report

  • Hi All,

    I have an application in which i have following 2 tables.

    Tasks Master








    Task_Count (can be any number like 2 or 3 or 4 or 40)

    the Input Form is like that which the staff will fill at the end of the day.

    Date Task Name Task_Count


    24/01/2010 How many cheque books issued today : 12

    24/01/2010 How many ATM Issued today : 7

    Now I want a matrix report showing all tasks suppose 28 tasks in vertical row and on given month it should show all the dates of the particular month horizontal direction like from 1 to 31 days with the task_count.

    what can be the stored procedure based on it.


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  • Thanks for your answer I am quite new to SQL world 🙂 dont know how to create dates out of the given month in matrix style. or perhaps a view can do?

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  • thanks how to create upto number of days column in select statement according to the given month?

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  • do i need to issue 31 select statements to create 31 columns?

  • its working in Oracle but dont know how to convert it into SQL.



    SELECTTO_DATE ( '01-Jan-2010'

    , 'DD-Mon-YYYY'

    )AS start_date



    SELECT m.task_name

    , COUNT (CASE WHEN TO_CHAR (d.task_date, 'DD') = '01' THEN 1 END)AS Day_1

    , COUNT (CASE WHEN TO_CHAR (d.task_date, 'DD') = '02' THEN 1 END)AS Day_2

    , COUNT (CASE WHEN TO_CHAR (d.task_date, 'DD') = '03' THEN 1 END)AS Day_3


    , COUNT (CASE WHEN TO_CHAR (d.task_date, 'DD') = '31' THEN 1 END)AS Day_31

    FROM task_masterm

    JOIN task_detaildONm.task_id= d.task_id

    JOIN start_datesONd.task_date>= s.start_date

    ANDd.task_date< ADD_MONTHS (s.start_date, 1)

    GROUP BY m.task_name


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  • Stewart thanks for the file but I cannot open it as I am using Visual Studio 2010 🙁

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  • is this which i need to install where my VS 2010 is installed ..cause on my database server we do have sqlserver 2008 enterprise R2 and BIDS is there.

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  • I am almost there as I've got this solution from web searching and results are coming as I was expecting.


    @select varchar(8000),

    @sumfunc varchar(100),

    @pivot varchar(100),

    @table varchar(100)


    DECLARE @sql varchar(8000), @delim varchar(1)



    EXEC ('SELECT ' + @pivot + ' AS pivotcol INTO ##pivot FROM ' + @table + ' WHERE 1=2')

    EXEC ('INSERT INTO ##pivot SELECT DISTINCT ' + @pivot + ' FROM ' + @table + ' WHERE '

    + @pivot + ' Is Not Null')

    SELECT @sql='', @sumfunc=stuff(@sumfunc, len(@sumfunc), 1, ' END)' )

    SELECT @delim=CASE Sign( CharIndex('char', data_type)+CharIndex('date', data_type) )

    WHEN 0 THEN '' ELSE '''' END

    FROM tempdb.information_schema.columns

    WHERE table_name='##pivot' AND column_name='pivotcol'

    SELECT @sql=@sql + '''' + convert(varchar(100), pivotcol) + ''' = ' +

    stuff(@sumfunc,charindex( '(', @sumfunc )+1, 0, ' CASE ' + @pivot + ' WHEN '

    + @delim + convert(varchar(100), pivotcol) + @delim + ' THEN ' ) + ', ' FROM ##pivot

    DROP TABLE ##pivot

    SELECT @sql=left(@sql, len(@sql)-1)

    SELECT @select=stuff(@select, charindex(' FROM ', @select)+1, 0, ', ' + @sql + ' ')

    EXEC (@select)

    and executing the procedure like this.

    EXECUTE crosstab 'select name as Task from Competitors inner join CompetitorDetail on (CompetitorDetail.CompetitorId=Competitors.CompetitorId)

    group by Name', 'sum(Price)','convert(varchar, oDate, 105)','CompetitorDetail'

    the output is coming like 01-01-2010....02-01-2010...but i want like

    01-Apr...02-Apr....03-Apr....etc etc...tried datepart inplace of convert(varchar, oDate, 105) but no luck. what can be done?

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