Databases status are recovery pending

  • Hi All ,

    After SQL restart most of databases turned to be Recovery pending . The restart happened at primary server and automatic fail over happened.

    moreover the listeners are gone.

    i couldn’t remove db from AG either . Couldnt bring database online..

    When i right click , no option to add listener .

    Appreciate your response on this issue

  • Check sqlserver errorlogs ! ( of all involved instances ! )

    Check the cluster logs !

    what is the state of your servers ?

    Why did it fail over ?

    Is it only the db of the AG that are in recovery pending ?


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  • From my experience almost all times that I had databases that were stuck on recovery pending, someone messed up with the storage and SQL Server was not able to find the log file that is needed for the recovery process.  Try talking with your storage teem and check if they modified anything and  if they can rollback this modification.


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