Databases Growth - Calc

  • Hi All,

    I want to know the growth statistics of all my production databases over last 6 months.

    This data is needed to check how the databases are growing so that I can plan the future disk space requirements for these databases.

  • This gives you exactly what you need. Small warning : I just found out it doesn't work right when the db has multiple data files. I haven't had time to update it, but at least that gets you 95% of the way there.

    IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#dbs') > 0

    DROP TABLE #dbs

    IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#Drives') > 0

    DROP TABLE #Drives

    IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#Results') > 0

    DROP TABLE #Results



    DBNAME sysname

    , DBID INT

    , [Total Size in MB] INT

    , [Available Space In MB] INT

    , DriveLetter CHAR(1)






    , DBID

    , [Total Size in MB]

    , [Available Space In MB]

    , DriveLetter


    EXEC sp_MSforeachdb '

    USE [?];



    , DB_ID() AS DBID

    , SUM(size / 128) AS ''Total Size in MB''

    , SUM(size / 128 - CAST(FILEPROPERTY(name , ''SpaceUsed'') AS int) / 128) AS ''Available Space In MB''

    , LEFT(physical_name, 1) AS DriveLetter




    type_desc = ''ROWS''

    GROUP BY LEFT(physical_name, 1) '

    CREATE TABLE #Drives



    , FreeMBs INT NOT NULL

    , FreeGBs AS CONVERT(DECIMAL(18 , 2) , FreeMBs / 1024.0)



    #Drives ( DriverLetter , FreeMBs )

    EXEC xp_fixeddrives



    -- DB_NAME() As DBNAME

    -- , DB_ID() AS DBID

    -- , SUM(size / 128) AS 'Total Size in MB'

    -- , SUM(size / 128 - CAST(FILEPROPERTY(name , 'SpaceUsed') AS int) / 128) AS 'Available Space In MB'


    -- sys.database_files


    -- type_desc = 'ROWS'

    --Rémi : I deleted 4 logging tables I had build on March 25th, hence the ±350 MB drop.


    WITH CTE_Backups ( database_name, BackupDate, MinutesForBackup, GB_backup_size, seqFirst, seqLast )

    AS (



    , DATEADD(D , 0 , DATEDIFF(D , 0 , bs.backup_start_date)) AS BackupDate

    , CONVERT(DECIMAL(18 , 1) , DATEDIFF(s , bs.backup_start_date ,


    / 60.0) AS MinutesForBackup

    , CONVERT(DECIMAL(18 , 3) , bs.backup_size / 1024 / 1024 / 1024) AS GB_backup_size

    , ROW_NUMBER() OVER ( PARTITION BY bs.database_name ORDER BY bs.backup_start_date ) AS seqFirst

    , ROW_NUMBER() OVER ( PARTITION BY bs.database_name ORDER BY bs.backup_start_date DESC ) AS seqLast


    msdb.dbo.backupset bs


    bs.[type] = 'D'

    -- AND name IS NULL



    CONVERT(INT , dtBackups.[Available Space In GB]

    / CASE WHEN dtBackups.GB_ExpectedDailyGrowth <> 0

    THEN dtBackups.GB_ExpectedDailyGrowth

    ELSE 0.0001

    END) AS DaysUntillDBGrowth

    , *

    -- INTO

    -- #Results





    , dbs.DriveLetter

    , drv.FreeGBs AS FreeGBs_Drive

    , CONVERT(DECIMAL(18 , 3) , drv.FreeGBs * 0.85

    / NULLIF(b.GB_backup_size - a.GB_backup_size, 0)

    / NULLIF(DATEDIFF(dd , a.BackupDate , b.BackupDate), 0) * 30.468) AS FreeGBs_Drive_InMonths_WithExpected_DB_Growth

    , a.BackupDate AS BackupDate_First

    , b.BackupDate AS BackupDate_Last

    , DATEDIFF(dd , a.BackupDate , b.BackupDate) AS DaysPeriod

    , a.MinutesForBackup AS MinutesForBackup_First

    , b.MinutesForBackup AS MinutesForBackup_Last

    , b.MinutesForBackup - a.MinutesForBackup AS MinutesForBackup_Delta

    , a.GB_backup_size AS GB_backup_size_First

    , b.GB_backup_size AS GB_backup_size_Last

    , b.GB_backup_size - a.GB_backup_size AS GB_BackupGrowth

    --, a.seqLast - a.seqFirst AS QtyofBackups

    , CONVERT(DECIMAL(18 , 3) , ( b.GB_backup_size - a.GB_backup_size )

    / NULLIF(DATEDIFF(dd , a.BackupDate , b.BackupDate), 0)) AS GB_ExpectedDailyGrowth

    , CONVERT(DECIMAL(18 , 3) , ( b.GB_backup_size - a.GB_backup_size )

    / NULLIF(DATEDIFF(dd , a.BackupDate , b.BackupDate), 0) * 365.256) AS GB_ExpectedAnnualGrowth

    , CONVERT(DECIMAL(18 , 3) , dbs.[Total Size in MB] / 1024.0) AS [Total Size in GB]

    , CONVERT(DECIMAL(18 , 3) , dbs.[Available Space In MB] / 1024.0) AS [Available Space In GB]


    CTE_Backups a

    INNER JOIN CTE_Backups b

    ON a.seqFirst = b.seqLast

    AND a.seqLast = b.seqFirst

    AND a.database_name = b.database_name

    INNER JOIN #dbs dbs

    ON b.database_name = dbs.DBNAME

    INNER JOIN #Drives drv

    ON dbs.DriveLetter = drv.DriverLetter


    a.seqFirst = 1

    AND a.seqFirst + a.seqLast > 2 --would always warn on the first day

    ) dtBackups




    -- *

    -- FROM

    -- #Results R

    -- WHERE

    -- R.FreeGBs_Drive_InMonths_WithExpected_DB_Growth >= 0 AND R.FreeGBs_Drive_InMonths_WithExpected_DB_Growth < 1

    -- OR R.DaysUntillDBGrowth >= 0 AND R.DaysUntillDBGrowth <= 30 )

    -- BEGIN


    -- dbo.RPT_Space_Warnings

    -- (

    -- [DaysUntillDBGrowth]

    -- , [Warning_Description]

    -- , [database_name]

    -- , [DriveLetter]

    -- , [FreeGBs_Drive]

    -- , [FreeGBs_Drive_InMonths_WithExpected_DB_Growth]

    -- , [BackupDate_First]

    -- , [BackupDate_Last]

    -- , [DaysPeriod]

    -- , [MinutesForBackup_First]

    -- , [MinutesForBackup_Last]

    -- , [MinutesForBackup_Delta]

    -- , [GB_backup_size_First]

    -- , [GB_backup_size_Last]

    -- , [GB_BackupGrowth]

    -- , [GB_ExpectedDailyGrowth]

    -- , [GB_ExpectedAnnualGrowth]

    -- , [Total Size in GB]

    -- , [Available Space In GB]

    -- )

    -- SELECT

    -- [DaysUntillDBGrowth]

    -- , CASE WHEN R.FreeGBs_Drive_InMonths_WithExpected_DB_Growth < 1 THEN 'HD IS FULL' ELSE 'AUTOGROWTH WARNING' END AS Warning_Description

    -- , [database_name]

    -- , [DriveLetter]

    -- , [FreeGBs_Drive]

    -- , [FreeGBs_Drive_InMonths_WithExpected_DB_Growth]

    -- , [BackupDate_First]

    -- , [BackupDate_Last]

    -- , [DaysPeriod]

    -- , [MinutesForBackup_First]

    -- , [MinutesForBackup_Last]

    -- , [MinutesForBackup_Delta]

    -- , [GB_backup_size_First]

    -- , [GB_backup_size_Last]

    -- , [GB_BackupGrowth]

    -- , [GB_ExpectedDailyGrowth]

    -- , [GB_ExpectedAnnualGrowth]

    -- , [Total Size in GB]

    -- , [Available Space In GB]

    -- FROM

    -- #Results R

    -- WHERE

    -- R.DaysUntillDBGrowth >= 0 AND R.DaysUntillDBGrowth <= 30

    --UNION ALL -- I want to see 2 warnings in the same day when it's the case... those are the really critical events.

    -- SELECT

    -- [DaysUntillDBGrowth]

    -- , CASE WHEN R.FreeGBs_Drive_InMonths_WithExpected_DB_Growth < 1 THEN 'HD IS FULL_' ELSE 'AUTOGROWTH WARNING_' END AS Warning_Description

    -- , [database_name]

    -- , [DriveLetter]

    -- , [FreeGBs_Drive]

    -- , [FreeGBs_Drive_InMonths_WithExpected_DB_Growth]

    -- , [BackupDate_First]

    -- , [BackupDate_Last]

    -- , [DaysPeriod]

    -- , [MinutesForBackup_First]

    -- , [MinutesForBackup_Last]

    -- , [MinutesForBackup_Delta]

    -- , [GB_backup_size_First]

    -- , [GB_backup_size_Last]

    -- , [GB_BackupGrowth]

    -- , [GB_ExpectedDailyGrowth]

    -- , [GB_ExpectedAnnualGrowth]

    -- , [Total Size in GB]

    -- , [Available Space In GB]

    -- FROM

    -- #Results R

    -- WHERE

    -- R.FreeGBs_Drive_InMonths_WithExpected_DB_Growth >= 0 AND R.FreeGBs_Drive_InMonths_WithExpected_DB_Growth <= 1

    -- END

    --IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#dbs') > 0

    -- DROP TABLE #dbs


    --IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#Drives') > 0

    -- DROP TABLE #Drives


    --IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#Results') > 0

    -- DROP TABLE #Results


  • I have multiple data / log files for my prod server .

    I tried running this script for my base machine but it is giving me no results .

  • My script assumes a few things :

    - The backups stay where take them (don't move then after the fact).

    - Each database has more than 1 full backup in the backuphistory

    - You don't clear out the msdb backup history.

    - Each database has been backup to a local drive and not a network share (see the join to drives, maybe you need to change that to left join)

    - Each database has only 1 datafile (the script will return data but the estimate of time left before running out of space will be wrong)

  • Thanks for the info .

    I dont know much what to do about that , i am still open for a simpler solution .

    Thanks , anyways .


  • Well make sure you don't delete the backup history logs.

    Also check to see if this returns something.



    , DATEADD(D , 0 , DATEDIFF(D , 0 , bs.backup_start_date)) AS BackupDate

    , CONVERT(DECIMAL(18 , 1) , DATEDIFF(s , bs.backup_start_date ,


    / 60.0) AS MinutesForBackup

    , CONVERT(DECIMAL(18 , 3) , bs.backup_size / 1024 / 1024 / 1024) AS GB_backup_size

    , ROW_NUMBER() OVER ( PARTITION BY bs.database_name ORDER BY bs.backup_start_date ) AS seqFirst

    , ROW_NUMBER() OVER ( PARTITION BY bs.database_name ORDER BY bs.backup_start_date DESC ) AS seqLast


    msdb.dbo.backupset bs


    bs.[type] = 'D'

    That will also give you a manual way of checking the growth.

  • Hi Coach,

    Thanks .

    It is providing me the size of the database when the full backup was last taken

    Of use , to some extent -Thanks 🙂

  • Here's a sample output of the more usefull columns when the full script runs as intended by the author :-P.






  • Most of the databases size is showing 0.00 GB whereas my database size is definitely not 0 GB 🙁

  • take out the last / 1024 in the cte. It will now show it in mbs.

  • Thanks Ninja


  • But the backup will always have less size than actual database size. So can you please clarify if this calculation will give me the exact data growth?

    //All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them//

  • Sumanta Roy (6/28/2011)

    But the backup will always have less size than actual database size. So can you please clarify if this calculation will give me the exact data growth?

    The backup size = the number of used page. If you add data (and pages), the backup size will grow accordingly. You then compare the first full backup size VS the last one and calculate growth over the # of days and project in the future based on free space in the file and in the drives.

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