DataBase Server Architecture

  • Please suggest me architecture solution for the following scenario:

    I had a server in which there are 4 database. The total data size is around 800 GB. One Database named as A is live production database which has got 300 gb data i.e. the master as well as transaction tables.

    On production database A we dont have PRIMARY FOREIGN Key fundas ie no clustered index, instead we have unique non-clustered index and non-clustered indexes on the above tables.

    on monthly basis we are processing more than 1CR records.

    For database A we dont have replication policy.

    Now on the same server we have B C & D database which are reporting and archieve database.

    Now please suggest me a feasible architecture for the above scenario with replication streatagy and back up policy.

  • How many records is 1CR of records? I'm not familiar with that abbreviation other than a Carriage Return.

    What you are asking for can not be solved in a single post on a forum. I highly suggest hiring a full time dba to work on this.

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  • 1CR means 10 million records. You are right but as it is a case study and I had to create a report, now please can you help me on this.

  • If this is a business case study more information is definitely needed. Just a broad stroke of the pen for starters:

    • Do you have a SAN ?
    • Do you have multiple servers ?
    • What is your OLTP window ?
    • What is your batch window ?
    • What are your recovery constraints ?
    • Does the system currently exist today in some form ?

    Now, taking this into account you probably need a business plan, functional plan, development, testing and implementatino plans as well. this all of course after taking into account ALL of the requirements.

    If this is a school assignment, well ....

    RegardsRudy KomacsarSenior Database Administrator"Ave Caesar! - Morituri te salutamus."

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