Database mirroring

  • I have three SQL Server Instances running on my laptop. While trying to setup mirroring its throwing error 1452, saying the name is same for Principal/Mirror/Witness? They all have name like "abc.comp.local:5022" - all ports are different (5022/23/24). What could be the issue here?

  • I could be wrong, but I don't think it'll let you set up the same computer as all three. Mainly, why have a witness on the same as the other two?

    Since I assume you're setting this up to play around with (proof of concept type work), have you tried setting them as separate VMs instead of on the same OS instance?

    Property of The Thread

    "Nobody knows the age of the human race, but everyone agrees it's old enough to know better." - Anon

  • 🙂 its a POC, sorry I should have mentioned it. But what I understood from the net is that its possible- only requirement being different ports. No I haven't tried VMs, I think I should. Just noticed that I was using Standard edition, I know it supports mirroring but does it have any restriction for this type of a setup? Thanks for the reply.

  • You can setup mirroring on a single computer - you will need to have separate SQL Server instances.

    I don't think that you can do it between databases on a single instance. This does not make sense. The protocols used by mirroring to determine if an error condition has occurred is based on whether a the principal can see the mirror (and vice versa). If one of them can't see the other it asks the witness. Now, if I were do this (to provide fault tolerance) why would I do this on a single instance.

    Now, you could argue about whether the argument really holds water when you are using the same physical server. That would be a valid argument but mirroring only insists on using separate instances, not separate servers

  • @happycat : i have three instances on my laptop, still its not working.

  • I will have a few questions from you which will help me to understand your problem a little bit more clearly.

    pls. metion the following information.

    1. is your prinicipal, Mirror and witness server instances have the same version of sql server?

    2. What is the recovery model of your databases involved in mirroring?

    3. In which mode are you trying to configure database mirroring (Synchronous or Asysnchronous).

    If Asynchornous that means you are trying to configure in (High performance mode) which is not supported by Sql server Standard Edition.

    4. do you have similar Edition of Sql server on your Principal and Mirror Servers?

    pls. reply to the above question which will make me understand the underlying problem to help you trouble shoot it better..

  • sachnam (1/12/2011)

    I will have a few questions from you which will help me to understand your problem a little bit more clearly.

    pls. metion the following information.

    1. is your prinicipal, Mirror and witness server instances have the same version of sql server?

    2. What is the recovery model of your databases involved in mirroring?

    3. In which mode are you trying to configure database mirroring (Synchronous or Asysnchronous).

    If Asynchornous that means you are trying to configure in (High performance mode) which is not supported by Sql server Standard Edition.

    4. do you have similar Edition of Sql server on your Principal and Mirror Servers?

    pls. reply to the above question which will make me understand the underlying problem to help you trouble shoot it better..

    1. Witness is SQL 2008

    2. It has to be full for Mirroring rt?

    3. Asynchronous - is it not true the other way - tried both!

    4. Yes

    when i run

    ALTER DATABASE paul SET PARTNER =N'TCP://acer.chicago.local:5023';

    (other 2 instances are TCP://acer.chicago.local:5022 and TCP://acer.chicago.local:5024)

    I get following error

    Msg 1452, Level 16, State 6, Line 1

    The partner server instance name must be distinct from the server instance that manages the database. The ALTER DATABASE SET PARTNER command failed.

  • TCP://acer.chicago.local:5022 etc are end points, not SQL Server instances. What instance has each of the end points ?

  • happycat59 (1/13/2011)

    TCP://acer.chicago.local:5022 etc are end points, not SQL Server instances. What instance has each of the end points ?

    Yeh :P, not instances, sorry. Instances :- acer (5022), acer\abh(5023) and acer\sql_2008(5024)

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