database maintenance plan - remove old files

  • I'm trying to set up a maintenance plan that will backup up the database and the transaction log then remove files older than 5 days. But the windows for the number, the choice of day(s) or week(s), etc. are blank and won't allow entry of choices. Also the backup file extension field is empty where it usually deafults to .BAK or .TRN. Does anyone know why this isn't working? Thanks, Denise

  • I noticed this as a problem for me on a MSDE2000 install on a Win2000 workstation. The answer I got was a change in the registry will fix the problem but this was not our companies system and I was told not to make any chgs. to the registry for fear I would mess up the workstation. So I simply went into the db backup job and stuck in this:

     -DelBkUps 3DAYS

    You can simply look at a database backup job that is working and see what commands it executes and cut and paste them into the job that is not working...


    Hope this helps !


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