Database Diagram Empty

  • Hi,

    I've come across something I've never seen before and hope someone can point me in the right direction.  One of my developers got a new PC (Win XP, .NET) and can no longer view the database diagram.  She can see the icon for the Diagram and can right-click on it, but nothing appears in the diagram pane.  However, when logged into the old PC (also WinXP, .NET), it is visible.  So, it doesn't appear to be a user login issue (Windows Authentication on a mixed-mode server).   Any thoughts?  Whatever insight you can provide would be most appreciated.



  • Do you mean inside Enterprise Manager?

    I havn't seen this problem before but maybe she does not have any SQL SPs installed and it helps if she applies SP4?


  • Thanks for the reply.  Yes, I'm talking about in Enterprise Manager.  I checked both machines and they are the same configuration (XP SP1 & HotFixes, .NET, SQL (No SPs)).  After several attempts to view the diagram today, I noticed that the MMC crashes.  I've downloaded SQL SP4 and will see if that helps the issue.  But, I'm beginning to suspect something corrupt on the machine in general, not necessarily SQL itself -- especially since the MMC is having issues.  I'll post back after I try the SP4 install.


    Thanks again!

  • This case happen when the diagram was made on a SQL with SP4 and you try to open on a SQL SP3a

    Kindest Regards,


  • I had this problem some time ago on a previous PC after installing VB sp6. My memory is hazy on this but my notes suggest you check any VB (.net) installation you may have. For me the fix was ..."locate file MDT2DF.DLL from within SP5 for VB. Copy this to Program Files/Common Files/Microsoft Shared/MSDesigners98 and replace the current version." May not actually be relevent for more recent development environments but might help you track it down. 

  • I applied SQL SP3a (avoided SP4 due to being unfamiliar with the application this developer inherited -- and it's possible use of AWE).  Anyway, I still couldn't open the diagram (which was created on a Win2K SP3 machine with SQL2K & No SPs).  I finally worked around it by recreating the diagram under a new name using that machine.  It warns her that it may not save it, but it does.  I'll keep researching this and if I find a "real" solution, I will post it.  If anyone else happens across a solution, please post it as well. 


    Thank you for all of the suggestions.

  • Hello,

    Well, if the application 'uses' AWE it should be fairly simple to detect... Check the sp_configure, row: awe enabled. If AWE is not enabled then the application does not (cannot) use AWE...

    And to make things easier MS has now come up with a fix for the AWE problem that actually fixes it

    I hadn't heard Vasc's comment before but luckily (?) I have at least two machines which differs in service packs. I.e few with 3a (.818 | .760)  and some more with 4 (.2039). So I gave it a try. 

    ...and I couldn't reproduce that behaviour.  So I would go with TonyWilliams's solution to see if that could help.

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