Database copy for reporting

  • CraigIW (2/6/2012)

    ALZDBA (2/6/2012)

    as always, it depends 😉

    - Can your need be solved using backup ( of prod ) and restore ( to report env ) ?

    ( one should be able doing this just by scheduling a PIT restore based on the current backup set, wright ? 😉 )

    No because I can't restore to SQL 2008 from SQL 2008 R2 :/

    - If the db size is to large to be ported over night, you could provide a read-only copy based on a (no)restored full backup and apply log restores using the STANDBY parameter.

    Check BOL "RESTORE (Transact-SQL) "

    - If you only need partial stuff, the classic replication alternative can be considered according to your needs.

    I don't need immediate updates, nightly will do, plus I don't want the schema modifications and admin that comes with replication.

    - if near time ( not requested in OP ) would be requested, you could even implement db-mirroring with ad db snapshot (read-only of course) on a more frequent basis.

    Will mirroring work R2 > 2008?



    There is no problem restoring SQL2008 to SQL2008R2.

    I haven't tried it, but I don't think you can go from SQL2008R2 to SQL2008 with a backup/restore scenario.

    This may be an occasion to request budget to upgrade to R2 ..


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  • ALZDBA (2/6/2012)

    CraigIW (2/6/2012)

    ALZDBA (2/6/2012)

    as always, it depends 😉

    - Can your need be solved using backup ( of prod ) and restore ( to report env ) ?

    ( one should be able doing this just by scheduling a PIT restore based on the current backup set, wright ? 😉 )

    No because I can't restore to SQL 2008 from SQL 2008 R2 :/

    - If the db size is to large to be ported over night, you could provide a read-only copy based on a (no)restored full backup and apply log restores using the STANDBY parameter.

    Check BOL "RESTORE (Transact-SQL) "

    - If you only need partial stuff, the classic replication alternative can be considered according to your needs.

    I don't need immediate updates, nightly will do, plus I don't want the schema modifications and admin that comes with replication.

    - if near time ( not requested in OP ) would be requested, you could even implement db-mirroring with ad db snapshot (read-only of course) on a more frequent basis.

    Will mirroring work R2 > 2008?



    There is no problem restoring SQL2008 to SQL2008R2.

    You are correct on your remark towards mirroring sql2008 -> sql2008R2.

    If possible, I don't thing the combination would be supported for continuous usage ( maybe only for migration purposes )

    It's the other way around. The live data is on 2008 R2. The reporting server is just 2008. I need to copy the live data to reporting, but as 2008 is older, I can't use log shipping or backup and restore.

  • Missed that tiny detail ... :blush:

    source = R2 , target = sql2008

    My guess is you are stuck to the "classic" replication ways using articles to publish and subscribe. (selecting individual tables/views)

    Maybe it's time to request budget to upgrade your reporting environment. (easy to say, hard to implement, I know)


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  • Dev (2/6/2012)

    What about copy database task? 5 GB database on 2 VMs on LAN, it shouldn’t be a problem.

    Try it with wizard & save it as SSIS package, schedule & run later.

    Sounds good. I'll give that a go.

  • One last question... any particular reason not to upgrade reporting SQL Server instance to SS2K8 R2? that would make things much easier and standardize your environment.

    Check if you got "software assurance" when licensing SS2K8, if that's the case I understand you are entitled to get R2 for free.

    Pablo (Paul) Berzukov

    Author of Understanding Database Administration available at Amazon and other bookstores.

    Disclaimer: Advice is provided to the best of my knowledge but no implicit or explicit warranties are provided. Since the advisor explicitly encourages testing any and all suggestions on a test non-production environment advisor should not held liable or responsible for any actions taken based on the given advice.
  • I have to ask this... Why does the data need to be moved? You can report off of your existing database and not affect performance in many cases. You may have a very good reason, but it has not yet been mentioned, so I figure I should ask 🙂

    CE - Microsoft

  • SQLKnowItAll (2/6/2012)

    I have to ask this... Why does the data need to be moved? You can report off of your existing database and not affect performance in many cases. You may have a very good reason, but it has not yet been mentioned, so I figure I should ask 🙂

    It's a good question 🙂 It's because some of the reports and exports are affecting performance really badly, and new ones need to be developed quite often and need to be run intra-day for testing.

  • PaulB-TheOneAndOnly (2/6/2012)

    One last question... any particular reason not to upgrade reporting SQL Server instance to SS2K8 R2? that would make things much easier and standardize your environment.

    Check if you got "software assurance" when licensing SS2K8, if that's the case I understand you are entitled to get R2 for free.

    Yes, I am coming to the same conclusion! I'll look into that, thanks.

  • You're pretty much limited with your current config. SQL Server 2008 R2 Express edition may be one way of overcoming this. There's no log shipping or mirroring but you'll certainly be able to restore backups from the Live instance, replication may be an option too


    "Ya can't make an omelette without breaking just a few eggs" 😉

  • Perry Whittle (2/7/2012)

    You're pretty much limited with your current config. SQL Server 2008 R2 Express edition may be one way of overcoming this. There's no log shipping or mirroring but you'll certainly be able to restore backups from the Live instance, replication may be an option too

    at least up to 10 GB database size is reached 😉

    ( db size <> backup size ! )


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  • Sorry to disagree with you Johan... It looks like 5GB database.

    ~5Gb data, with new tables created daily, and updates across around a dozen tables each day.

  • Dev (2/7/2012)

    Sorry to disagree with you Johan... It looks like 5GB database.

    ~5Gb data, with new tables created daily, and updates across around a dozen tables each day.

    I just wanted to emphasize one needs to take it into account.

    Good catch.


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