Data transfer betweenm two sql servers

  • hi,

    I have 2 servers(windows2003 - Sql server2000 developer edition) at 2 different locations.I Want to transer the data between these two sql servers( transactional data).what is the best apprach and how to do this?

    it is to be done automatically without user intervention.




  • How often, every day, every hour, real time?  How much data? Can you give a more detailed description of what you want to accomplish?

    John Rowan

    Forum Etiquette: How to post data/code on a forum to get the best help[/url] - by Jeff Moden

  • for every six hours, 2kb - 10  mb

     I have a website where I have my Sqlserver on a dedicated server  and I have a local Sql server for internal purpose. I want to transfer the data between these two sql servers.





  • Depending on how many tables you are talking about and how complex the data, I would look into creating a DTS package that can do your data pump and schedule the package to run every 6 hours.

    John Rowan

    Forum Etiquette: How to post data/code on a forum to get the best help[/url] - by Jeff Moden

  • For simple transfer, DTS is often the best solution but I recommend creating the destination tables first (with primary keys). Don't use the DTS option to delete the contents from the table, rather use a TRUNCATE TABLE command in a seperate step.

    For a high availability system, if you need to update the destination table with data from the source table, use DTS to copy the source table to an existing source_staging table which you have truncated in the DTS. In the DTS, add a step to either insert new rows (using LEFT OUTER JOIN and checking for NULL) or update existing rows (useing INNER JOIN) where data has changed on the _staging table. This solution can result in high workload, but will prevent your users from hitting an empty detination table while the data is copying. Try not to copy the entire source table every time, only new records.

    When in doubt - test, test, test!


  • I would have done this way.

    If implemented simple recovery model, ( with full and differential )

    Take a full back and restore at destination and  and

    Implement differential backup for every six hours and restore the same at destination.

    No need to think of primary keys, joins, table creation.

    schedule both backs and restore like how logshipping does ..


  • Veeresh,

    Can we do differential backups/recovery if the  database 'A' ( at remote location) is a subset (few tables) of Database 'B' (local) .


    I need to transfer data from DB 'A' to DB 'B' and also From DB 'B'  to DB 'A' for every six hours.This is becuase some transactions will be done in DB 'A' and in DB 'B'

    eg: Table 'qualitycontrol' in DB 'B' may not be in DB 'A'




  • You could also try replication.  You can replicate a subset of the tables in a database, even a subset of the columns in the chosen tables.  It works very well, but imposes some limitations.  Identity fields can cause problems, and there are restrictions on table design changes (dropping a replicated column requires stopping replication and starting from scratch).

    I have used transactional replication with non-updatable subscribers.  It is possible to do two-way transactional replication, but I've never done it.  Merge replication is another option that I've never used.

    SQL 2005 provides peer-to-peer replication, which may be even better for your application.

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