Data Summary

  • Is it possible to insert a summary into the following sql statment? I'd ideally like to sum all the sales and group them by the month they were boarded.

    select convert(varchar(11),createdon, 106),

    username + ' ' + surname as 'Consultant',DATENAME(MONTH, invoiceissueddate) AS theMonth,

    fileas as 'Applicant',

    (CASE WHEN RowNo=1 and placementtypeid not in('6','5','19','26','28')THEN placementfee ELSE 0 END )+ (CASE WHEN RowNo=1 THEN isnull(feereduction,0) ELSE 0 END) as 'Placement Fee' ,

    (CASE WHEN RowNo=1 and placementtypeid in('23','17') THEN placementfee ELSE 0 END)+ (CASE WHEN RowNo=1 and placementtypeid in ('24','27','18') THEN isnull(feereduction,0) ELSE 0 END) as 'Drop Outs',

    convert(varchar(11),invoiceissueddate, 106)'Invoice Issued Date'



    SELECT ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY p.placementid ORDER BY p.placementid) AS RowNo,p.createdon,p.placementfee,p.placementid, p.placementtypeid, ps.feereduction, o.fileas, u.username, u.surname, i.netsum,i.invoiceissueddate, p.startdate

    FROM placements p

    left join PlacementSectorDefinedColumns ps on ps.placementid = p.placementid

    join placementconsultants pc on pc.placementid = p.placementid

    join users u on u.userid = pc.userid

    join objects o on o.objectid = p.applicantid

    left outer join placementinvoices pp on pp.placementid = p.placementid

    left join invoices i on i.invoiceid = pp.invoiceid

    WHEREp.createdon >= '20080601'

    AND p.createdon < '20090701'

    AND p.createdon < '20150101' and p.placementtypeid not in ('6','26','28')) tmp

    order BY tmp.createdon

    Thanks in advance


  • You can create a new query and use this as a sub-query within. You can GROUP BY this new query on 'TheMonth' and incluse a SUM on the 'Sales' column.

    ** Don't mistake the ‘stupidity of the crowd’ for the ‘wisdom of the group’! **

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