Data Ownership

  • As weird as it may be, I tend to agree with Steve that the DCMA is a travesty. Anything that damages fair use is wrong. I realize that various media are in a tizzy about shrinkage of their traditional (old-fashioned) revenue streams, but that doesn’t give them the right to legislate our compliance to their outdated expectations. Any law that makes it illegal for me to backup my own purchased media or unlock software that I paid for which was produced by an out-of-business company is a travesty that should be stricken on constitutional grounds.

  • weird as in Steve is weird, weird Steve picked a weird topic, or it's weird I think Steve made sense πŸ˜›

    I vote for the original 14 years + 14 extended.

    We are amazing, we're Americans, we can create new stuff. We don't need the protection for the rest of our lives for what we create. If we can't come up with something new, too bad. Go find another job.

  • Steve Jones - Editor (10/21/2008)

    weird as in Steve is weird, weird Steve picked a weird topic, or it's weird I think Steve made sense πŸ˜›

    Actually, as true as those may be, I meant "it's weird that I agree with Steve"... more of an inclination that I might be wrong and need to do some soul-searching on this subject.


    I vote for the original 14 years + 14 extended.

    I second the motion. All those in favor?

    We are amazing, we're Americans, we can create new stuff. We don't need the protection for the rest of our lives for what we create. If we can't come up with something new, too bad. Go find another job.

    My only edit would be: "We humans are amazing." Being creative or amazing isn't exclusive to Americans, Steve... You know better than that. πŸ˜›

    I would take it one step further. Everybody should be REQUIRED to get a new job every four years, politicians included. You should be required to change industries every eight. We're not insects for cryin' out loud!

  • I agree with David (except for the weird part...), and a loud, hearty "AYE" on the 14+14.

    And hey, changing jobs every 4 years would help me keep my desk clean, and the paper files limited!:hehe: (yes, we still use paper here, don't be beating me up)

    Here there be dragons...,

    Steph Brown

  • Yes, it is all humans, not just Americans. Was thinking here at home we need to lead the way on copyright. Start here and then see if others will follow our lead.

  • Pshaw. We are. Everybody does what Disney tells them to do. Who'd've thunk it?


  • I’m sure it there is any change to the DMCA as result of this, it will be tailored specifically to benefit political campaigns only. They wouldn’t want to make their corporate overlords mad.

  • Sorry, this isn't DRM related directly:

    I think what scares me most about the McCain camp is their predilection towards faith-based government.

    They are basically saying if you question god, you're a bad christian; therefore if you question your government you are anti-American.

    This is exactly the type of mentality that will lead us down a path of failure. Once people lose the right to question their government, you've lost any semblance of a democracy.

    As an agnostic, these people scare the heck outta me. They hate science, they hate facts and they don't think they are accountable to anyone except their version of their god. Sounds a lot like the people they are telling us to fear, that happen to be of Arab descent.

    Obama isn't perfect, but he's certainly no terrorist. He is a humanitarian that truly appears to want to do right for people, what a concept.

    Unity, tolerance and open communication should be the mantra of our leader.

    They shouldn't be afraid to use force, but only after ALL other paths are closed.

    Peace and see you at PASS!

  • To keep this somewhat on topic - these views are mine and not necessarily shared by my employer, co-workers, family, or SSC. πŸ˜€ I agree with Steve's point on 14 years + another 14. Let's go back to those times, not keep extending copyright.

    I have to call that last post. I'd consider myself a Christian, but definitely question my government, will freely admit to having periods of doubt in my life, and would consider myself pretty much siding with science and facts. I also am accountable, not only to God, but to the authority placed over me - local, state, federal, and even international. I'm accountable to my boss, my co-workers, my family.

    I believe that Mr. Obama does want to do the right thing. I disagree with his proposed solutions. For the record, I also disagree with Mr. McCain on a lot of things, though not to quite the same extent. I'm quite disappointed with the major presidential candidates this year.

    I'd love to have some citations for what you're suggesting, though. Maybe some facts to back up your suggestion that they want a "faith-based government"? I'd love to read some of those. πŸ™‚ I believe that your faith (whatever it is) is integrated into your life and that decisions you make are influenced by that faith. People who are not Christians are also influenced by their beliefs. If not, then what exactly do you believe?

    Anyway, way off topic. I'd definitely prefer to keep things limited and not bring in politics, if possible.

  • I failed my saving throw against the temptation of political posting. Bad me. I was doing good, Peter, until you replied.

    I'm not sure where peterus gets his propaganda from, but...

    I am a Muslim. I took shahada in 1991. Didn't expect what's happened since, but none of it's shaken my faith.

    I believe McCain is the best choice for this country of the options that we have. Bob Barr might be more entertaining (and more libertarian), but he doesn't have a prayer. John's not my favorite politician; I don't even like his voting record, but he's the guy.

    I'm not convinced that Barak wants what's "best for this country" but I am convinced that he'll grow the size of government faster than John will. We can't afford the irrational spending that Barak plans.

  • I'd love to have a discussion with peers, any suggestions on where?

    There isn't "proof" pre se. It is my opinion, based upon my collected observations of this campaign.

    I'd be glad to put together the string of events that led me to this place.


    Pete Karhatsu

  • I have to call that last post. I'd consider myself a Christian, but definitely question my government, will freely admit to having periods of doubt in my life, and would consider myself pretty much siding with science and facts. I also am accountable, not only to God, but to the authority placed over me - local, state, federal, and even international. I'm accountable to my boss, my co-workers, my family.

    Sounds like someone may have slipped a little 'logic' into your faith. The two definitely don't mix. That would probably account for you periods of doubt. You don't sound like the typical bible-blinded Christian. Good for you.

    If anyone has a link to what McCain said about faith-based government, please post it. If that's what they are remotely for, then there is NO WAY I AM VOTING FOR THEM. peterus - you make some very good points, although I have to admit I had to look up what 'predilection' meant. :unsure:

    Live to Throw
    Throw to Live
    Will Summers

  • I'd love to have a discussion with peers, any suggestions on where?

    Where what? Where to have a discussion or where to find some peers? πŸ˜‰

    We can't afford the irrational spending that Barak plans.

    Not now Bush has wasted so much of your cash, true... Tricky one this, we're trying Keynes again over in the UK to try and shore things up, works for a while but our government is already bloated so I have a suspicion it's going to be a disaster (again). Used to be that the right wing would wind down spending and gather cash then the left wing would get in and spend it until there was none left and then the right would get in again - this seems somewhat scuppered in the US by the sustained nest feathering/sending pallet loads of cash to Iraq without a receipt of the Bush administration, from what I understand he's taken national debt to a new level. I for one think you can probably afford to screw all Bush's mates for tax for the sake of shoring up your economy, surely?

    You Americans really need to reevaluate your attitude to socialism you know, it's not a dirty word, it certainly isn't evil and it really does make the place much nicer to live in....

  • Will Summers (10/23/2008)

    Sounds like someone may have slipped a little 'logic' into your faith. The two definitely don't mix.

    Nonsense. I have a degree in Theoretical Mathematics, Logic and Set Theory, and I can tell you that they go together just fine.

    That would probably account for you periods of doubt.

    No, that would be Faith. Doubt is a part of Faith. That is why it is called "Faith" and not "Certainty" or "Knowledge".

    Though seriously, what we each believe is our own business and probably does not belong here.

    [font="Times New Roman"]-- RBarryYoung[/font], [font="Times New Roman"] (302)375-0451[/font] blog:, Twitter: @RBarryYoung[font="Arial Black"]
    Proactive Performance Solutions, Inc.
    [font="Verdana"] "Performance is our middle name."[/font]

  • Bryan Esposito (10/21/2008)

    How would you feel about a Republican running around town tearing down signs for the Democrat candidates?

    Funny you should mention that. Some Republicans have actually been tearing out signs in support of Obama and have been caught on video.

Viewing 15 posts - 16 through 30 (of 58 total)

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