Data modeling tool

  • Hi,

    I am looking for comparison between the various data modeling tools (like VSEA, ER/Studio, ERWin, Rational Rose etc) - supporting sql server 2000/2005, forward & reverse engg. --- comparison with respect to the prices, licenses, help documents, support etc


  • It's been years, but I used ER/Studio and ErWIN. I preferred ER/Studio and it was slightly cheaper. Seemed to work better with forward/reverse engineering.

    No idea on current pricing.

    Support (3-5 years ago) was good for both.

  • This thread has been cross-posted here!

    **ASCII stupid question, get a stupid ANSI !!!**

  • Hi -

    I have used ErWIN, Embarcadero, and Visio at various times.

    I like the way Visio handles documentation and is very able at accomplishing other tasks UML diagrams, Object Relational Modeling, and expressing yourself graphically. It is very easy to use quickly and integrates well with Microsoft products.

    ErWIN felt more focused on database design and is used at many Universities.

    If you have the money, I suggest you go with the tool you feel most comfortable with.





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