Data modeling

  • Hi experts...

    I have a one big registration form, for which i have to come up data model.

    This Reg. form has many sections and almost 150 fileds, all of them are directly dependent on Regid (1-1 relation). Though they have 1-1 relation, is it advisable to have all the columns in a single table or do i require to split the tables based on sections (like having a separate table for each section and having regid in these tables also).

    One more question related to the same registration form is:

    This for has few sections where in user have to tell his hobbies/interests etc,like, for eg, if the question in the reg form like "What all sports /games you play most?" will have many sports / games as answers in the reg form with a check box for each sport/game. now user can select any no. of check boxes and we need to store them in db...

    Now the question is,

    is it advisable to have separate master table for sports/games and display these sports on reg form


    Shall i have separate column in reg table for each option like sport_basketball,sport_vollyball,game_carrom etc...

    This is prety small project and requires experts comments on the table design.



  • toprprasad


    Now the question is,

    is it advisable to have separate master table for sports/games and display these sports on reg form


    Shall i have separate column in reg table for each option like sport_basketball,sport_vollyball,game_carrom etc...

    creating a new master table would be better....:)




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