Data Modeler

  • hi

    Can we have some discussions on this two different data modeler tools

    1. Power designer

    2. Erwin data modeler

    if some one wants to include other tools.. more welcome



  • What's the question?

    The Modelers we use?

    The One we think is best?

    The One that supports the most platforms?

    Ones we haven't used?

  • You missed the ultimate tool in your list - the human brain, being using it for data modeling purposes for over 25 years now, always worked fine. 😉

    Pablo (Paul) Berzukov

    Author of Understanding Database Administration available at Amazon and other bookstores.

    Disclaimer: Advice is provided to the best of my knowledge but no implicit or explicit warranties are provided. Since the advisor explicitly encourages testing any and all suggestions on a test non-production environment advisor should not held liable or responsible for any actions taken based on the given advice.
  • check out dezign, cheap and cheerful, but quick and easy.

  • I have just completed the design and implementation of a warehouse using Enterprise Architect as the design tool. It worked really well for us.

    You can use it own database or any database that has an OLE/DB provider (we use SQL Server). The tables used by Enterprise Architect are pretty simple to naviate. This helped heaps as well - I added a bunch of reports that were not available out of the box. We also use a few SQL Scripts to help out with some of the big tasks we do.

    For the price, this is a really good product.

  • About 90% of people who think they are doing "data modeling" are actually doing "database design." Which is it you are trying to do?

    A commercial tool which I have used, which is essentially a "database design" tool rather than a real "data modeling" tool is Embarcadero ER/Studio, which many feel is easier to use that ERwin. It is also multi-platform, and has options for an shared model repository and web publishing of models and dictionaries.

    An open source tool I want to look into, but haven't had time to yet, is SQLPower Architect Data Modeling (& Profiling) Tool. Has "Community Edition" (free) and commercially supported versions.

    Both are worth looking at.

    David Lathrop
    WA Dept of Health

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