Data in cube Between 2 dates

  • Hello,

    I want to get the information between 2 specified dates in the cube. For example, if I have a sales cubes,where I have a sales date in the fact table. I have to create 2 dimensions for this date field viz. start date and end date. Then I have to fetch all the sales information into the cube only between this start date and end date. Is it possible to do such thing in OLAP side. Please reply ASAP.

    Thanks in advance.

    Anbarasan Mani

  • I haven't done this yet, but I will have need for it soon so I have been playing around with this. You could use a single dimension and set the source table filter property to filter your date or calendar table for those dates between the start and end date. To pass in parameters for start and end dates, I believe you would need to use MDX and handle the parameter input in your client application. I do not believe you could have dynamic start and end dates in a dimension as the analysis server engine would not be able to process the dimension/cube as there would be no date data specified for the dimension. If you go the route of using MDX, you do not need to add an additional dimension as you can specify a where clause that will filter the existing time dimension.

    I hope this doesn't just confuse the issue for you!



    Michael Weiss

    Michael Weiss

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