Data from oracle to Excel - data showing in excel as scientific notation...

  • I need help folks.

    I have a simple data flow task which has a OLE DB data source,

    Data conversion and OLE DB destination.

    The OLE DB data source is pointing to an oracle table.

    The OLE DB destination is an excel spreadsheet.

    The data in oracle column is like 0.08245. Unfortunately, it shows up as in scientific

    notation format on the excel column. I want it to show up exactly like in

    data base which is 0.08245.

    I don't know what to do with this issue.

    Any suggestions are greatly appreciated.



  • Hi,

    "Excel Destination" takes format from last row used. Preformating is possible using templates.

    Little example here:!3738F9E9EADAAE6A!148.entry

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