data filter issue using jump to url in SSRS

  • hi all,

    I need help to finding the issue on ssrs i have never encountered with this issue before.

    in ssrs we have link for exporting data to excel by using jump to url. which pass the parameter to another RDL and both rdl use same stored proc. I found the data has been filtered ( not accurate data) when i see them from the exported link but when i do direct export from ssrs those data are perfect. any one have idea about this issue. even paramater on the url that has been generated was the same which i used on the main report.

    I will really appreciate for the answer.



  • Is there any possibility that the source data was changed during the time the report is being looked at and then the "new" report is run? How major is the change?

  • it is not data change, some of the data will not show up in export link but when we do from the direct export from ssrs it does.

    below the script that use in jumped to url

    =Globals!ReportServerUrl & "?" & Globals!ReportFolder & "/ExcelExportActvsPLC&rs:Command=Render&rs:ClearSession=true&DivisionId=" & Parameters!DivisionId.Value &

    "&StartQuarter=" & Parameters!StartQuarter.Value &

    "&EndQuarter=" & Parameters!EndQuarter.Value &

    "&ReportView=" & Parameters!ReportView.Value &

    "&View=" & Parameters!View.Value &

    "&ProductLineId=" & iif(Count(Fields!ProductLineName.Value, "dsProductLine")= Parameters!ProductLineId.Count,"%",Join(Parameters!ProductLineId.Value, ",")) &

    "&ProgramId=" & iif(count(Fields!ProgramName.Value, "dsProgram") = Parameters!ProgramId.Count,"%",Join(Parameters!ProgramId.Value, ",")) &

    "&DepartmentId=" & iif(count(Fields!DepartmentId.Value, "dsDept")= Parameters!DepartmentId.Count, "%",join(Parameters!DepartmentId.Value, ",")) &

    "&JobTypeId=" & iif(count(Fields!JobTypeId.Value, "dsJobType")= Parameters!JobTypeId.Count, "%",join(Parameters!JobTypeId.Value, ",")) &

    "&Projectid=" & iif(count(Fields!ProjectId.Value, "dsProject")= Parameters!Projectid.Count, "%",join(Parameters!Projectid.Value, ",")) &

    "&SubJobTypeId=" & iif(count(Fields!SubJobTypeId.Value, "dsSubJobType")= Parameters!SubJobTypeId.Count, "%",join(Parameters!SubJobTypeId.Value, ",")) &

    "&GlfunctionId=" & iif(count(Fields!GLFunctionId.Value, "dsGL")= Parameters!GlfunctionId.Count, "%",join(Parameters!GlfunctionId.Value, ",")) &

    "&Phase=" & iif(count(Fields!PhaseId.Value, "dsPhase")= Parameters!Phase.Count, "%",join(Parameters!Phase.Value, ",")) &

    "&Version=" & iif(count(Fields!VersionId.Value, "dsVersion")= Parameters!Version.Count, "%",join(Parameters!Version.Value, ",")) &

    "&Show=" & Join(Parameters!Show.Label,",") &

    "&QuarterlyBreakOut=" & Parameters!QuarterlyBreakOut.Value &


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