Data conversion between Oracle and MS sQL

  • Bascially, we have an OLTP oracle 9.0. We use MS SQL 2005 as OLAP for reporting. Recently, the Oracle also starts to support Russian. Oracle uses VARCHAR2 to store the string. The corresponding datatype of MS SQL is VARCHAR.

    When I use link server to pull data from Oracle to MS SQL, the Russian Data comes back as cryptic data.

    Any idea ?

  • Hi,

    Probably you may need to convert the data set into commong language format which is supported by ANSI and export the data and while loading the data into SQL Server convert it back.

    Thanks -- Vj

  • Dear L Xu,

    You need to take take care of the following:

    1. Make sure that the field in SQL server which are supposed to store data in Russian language are nchar/nvarchar/ntext (meant for unicode strings)

    2. Define proper collation for those fields. For example, for Arabic language it is Arabic_CS_AS_KS_WS

    Th default (US English) is: SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS

    3. The above two steps are to pull the data in correct format from Oracle database to the SQL Server database. The Russian language will still look cryptic to you when you try to look at your data in SQL Server 2005 using the SQL Server management Studio.

    For this, you have to make sure that you have configured the language settings in your windows machine (XP) as follows:

    Start -> Settings -> Control Panel -> Regional and Language Options -> Advanced

    You might need your OS software to do this if the language components for the Russian Language is not installed.

    The above input is gathered from my recent experience in a project to migrate Arabic language data from a legacy Oracle (7.3.1) database to SQL Server 2k5.

    Best regards,


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  • Hi,

    Thanks for all your help. I have figured out the problem, not the datatype (it is nvarchar) not the local on server (it installs all page code), it is the MSDAORA !!


  • So your solution is to use the Oracle driver from Oracle?

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