Cursor within a cursor question

  • Just curious to know what is a better practice regarding nested cursors. I based my coding off of the msdn site:

    I was told the following:

    Understand, but would prefer you code nested cursors this way to ensure your variables are not getting stepped on.

    Again I will follow what my Senior DBA tells me but I want to make sure that I am not adding something to my knowledgebase that is wrong.

    here is what I am being asked to do:

    declare NameOfFirstCursor cursor for

    select <statement>

    for read only

    open NameOfFirstCursor

    fetch NameOfFirstCursor into @parms

    select @t_status = @@fetch_status

    while (@t_status = 0)


    declare NameOfSecondCursor cursor for

    select <statement>

    for read only

    open NameOfSecondCursor

    fetch NameOfSecondCursor into @parms

    select @t2_status = @@fetch_status

    while (@t2_status = 0)



    fetch NameOfSecondCursor into @parms

    select @t2_status = @@fetch_status


    close NameOfSecondCursor

    deallocate NameOfSecondCursor

    fetch NameOfFirstCursor into @parms

    select @t_status = @@fetch_status


    close NameOfFirstCursor

    deallocate NameOfFirstCursor

    Here is what I am doing

    declare NameOfFirstCursor cursor for

    select <statement>

    for read only

    open NameOfFirstCursor

    fetch NameOfFirstCursor into @parms

    while @@FETCH_STATUS = 0


    declare NameOfSecondCursor cursor for

    select <statement>

    for read only

    open NameOfSecondCursor

    fetch NameOfSecondCursor into @parms

    while @@FETCH_STATUS = 0



    fetch NameOfSecondCursor into @parms


    close NameOfSecondCursor

    deallocate NameOfSecondCursor

    fetch NameOfFirstCursor into @parms


    close NameOfFirstCursor

    deallocate NameOfFirstCursor

    always get a backup before you try that.

  • Oh and before anyone asks This is a fairly complicated grouping issue I am workin on and even with the nested cursor the query time is single digit miliseconds with tons of extra data as I narrow my rows before ever getting to the cursor.

    always get a backup before you try that.

  • Is this the part you are asking about?

    fetch NameOfFirstCursor into @parms

    select @t_status = @@fetch_status <<--- specifically this immediately after the fetch?

    while (@t_status = 0)

    Actually, not a bad idea. Especially if you find yourself putting code between the fetch and the testing of the status.

  • Yes that is it.

    I just don't see the benefit in doing it and it adds to code complexity.

    always get a backup before you try that.

  • Not going to try and convince you it is right or better. I can see why your Senior DBA wants it done that way, I would not have a problem with doing it that way. As I said, it makes sense to capture status of the @@FETCH_STATUS immediately after the fetch, especially if you find yourself adding code between the FETCH and the WHILE loop.

    The same is true of capturing the values from such functions as @@ERROR, @@ROWCOUNT, etc.

  • Mountain Steve (7/20/2012)

    Yes that is it.

    I just don't see the benefit in doing it and it adds to code complexity.

    since you are working with nested cursors it makes sure you are working with the right @@FETCH_STATUS by placing the status in a variable as soon as you execute the fetch. i do this with @@ROWCOUNT allot when i want to run an if on it. just makes sure you don't loose the value until you actually want to reset the value and not when the server in the normal process of running resets the value (the next fetch).

    For faster help in answering any problems Please read How to post data/code on a forum to get the best help - Jeff Moden[/url] for the best way to ask your question.

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  • I see what you are saying now.

    Makes sense to me. I just didn't understand what the advantage is but it is catching it within the loop so it is like an extra level of redundancy.

    always get a backup before you try that.

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