cursor vs. single sql transaction

  • i have the ff.tables

    create table program(

    pid int,

    pcode varchar(20),-- program code (e.g. 'BSCS', 'BSIT')

    pname varchar(20),-- program description

    yrs int-- number of years of the program (1, 2,3 and 4)


    create table unitprice (

    upid int,-- id

    pid varchar(20), -- foreign key

    sy varchar(9),-- school year

    sem int,-- semester

    yrlevel int,-- apply to a year level

    amount-- price


    i want to initialize the unitprice of all programs for all year levels (based on the programs number of yrs)

    Usually i use a cursor to do this. Is there another way of doing this in just one or two sql transaction and not use a loop?

    declare @pid nvarchar(5)

    declare @yrs int

    declare @prgyrs int

    --Declare the cursor

    declare cursor_unitprice cursor for

    select pid, yrs from program

    --Open the cursor

    open cursor_unitprice

    --Fetch the 1st Row

    fetch cursor_unitprice into @pid, @yrs

    while @@fetch_status = 0


    set @prgyrs = @yrs

    while (@prgyrs > 0)


    insert into unitprice(pid, sy, sem, yrlevel, amount) values(@pid, @sy, @sem, @prgyrs, 0)

    set @prgyrs = @prgyrs -1


    --Fetch next row

    fetch cursor_unitprice into @pid, @yrs


    --Close and Deallocate cursor

    close cursor_unitprice

    deallocate cursor_unitprice

    Sample Output:

    Program Table

    pidpcodepname yrs


    101BSCSComp. Sci.4

    102HMHosp. Mgmt.2

    UnitPrice Table

    upidpidsysem yrlevelamount


    11012008-200921 0

    21012008-200922 0

    31012008-200923 0

    41012008-200924 0

    51022008-200921 0

    61022008-200922 0

  • A quick comment, the datatype is missing for the amount column.

    And yes, there is an alternative to cursor, i will try to post the solution later on (busy right now).

    /Håkan Winther
    MCITP:Database Developer 2008
    MCTS: SQL Server 2008, Implementation and Maintenance
    MCSE: Data Platform

  • You can use this statement as a base to accomplish what you want. (You still have to create your insert statement from this Common Table Expression)

    ;WITH myCTE(pid, yrs, lvl)

    AS (

    SELECT pid, yrs, 1 FROM program

    union all

    SELECT, p.yrs, lvl+1 FROM program p inner join myCte ct on where ct.lvl<p.yrs--and ct.rowCnt<p.yrs


    SELECT * FROM myCTE order by pid

    /Håkan Winther

    Senior Development DBA

    (Always trying to avoid cursors)

    /Håkan Winther
    MCITP:Database Developer 2008
    MCTS: SQL Server 2008, Implementation and Maintenance
    MCSE: Data Platform

  • thanx for the new info, its my first encounter with CTE, giving it a try right now...

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