Creating RSS XML feed from SQL Server Table data

  • Can anyone recommend a 'best practice' for producing an RSS feed using XML output files on my server that people can subscribe to?

    I have 3 SQL Tables containing the following data:

    1) HTML News Articles - stored as nvarchar(max)

    2) Podcast Audio data - actual MP3 files are located on the server and the SQL data simply points to the URL location to play them.

    3) Videocasts - Simply points to youtube URL's.

    I want to be able to create 3 individual RSS feeds using each of these tables and my understanding is that i need to product a properly formatted XML file on my server using the SQL row data.

    The main target for these RSS feeds is Apple iTunes so i realise already that there are specific tags i can use for them.

    What is the best way to product these XML files?

  • Jacob Sebastian wrote an excellent series on XML for SSC and later articles discuss generating an RSS Feed. I would start with his XML Workshop

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