Creating Report Models - No Foreign Keys found when Foreign Keys Exist

  • We are finding a strange extra dialog box appearing (sometimes but apparently now against a specific version of a database, when previous version worked fine).

    Now the error suggests that there are no foreign keys in the database, but in fact there are loads of them. Is there some Database size or complexity limit that Reporting Services - Report Modelling autogenerator has when creating the DataSource View against a Database.

    If someone could repond quickly to this with the way to solve this issue, that would be great.

    BTW we have recently upgraded to CTP2 of SQL 2005.

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  • In fact we have solved the problem ourselves, however the answer does seem very strange, and possibly reveals a kind of security flaw.

    We found that only by checking the remember password checkbox against the datasource definition did the DataSourceView get created correctly, without the strange warning about no foreign keys.

    This seems to suggest that, although we were not properly authenticated against the data connection, we could still generate some kind of datasource view and model, albeit one that potentially either ignored foreign keys or thought it could not find any foreign keys anyway.

    Can we mark this one as closed for now, unless someone can explain what the remember password has done to fix the problem.

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