Creating Field to group records

  • I have some records for some cards that need to be printed. These cards need to go into boxes of 50 so my data needs to have a field saying which box they go into. So first 50 rows have a field with 1 in, second 50 says 2, etc.

    Is there a way of doing this ?

  • I'd rather use

    SELECT vague_stuff,

    ((ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY something)-1) / 50 + 1 ) AS box_nbr

    FROM NamelessFoobar;

    Otherwise your first box would only contain 49 cards...

    The reason is that ROW_NUMBER() start with 1 so you need to make sure the 50th card will still belong to the first box. When using te original code, you'd end up with 50/50 + 1 = 2. Therefore, you'd need to apply an offset of -1.

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