Creating a PDF from a Stored Procedure in SQL Server

  • I was wondering what would need to be done to allow this procedure to open up a PDF template (which has a background image) and then write the necessary text to the file and ultimately then save the new PDF as the filename passed into the procedure.

    Any help with this would be greatly appreciated.



  • New procedure 🙂


  • Excellent articel. Pl. give some documentation about your procedure...

  • I made some changes to the SQL2PDF script to make it work a little better in our environment.  This script should handle the order of the text in the pdf file better and we were experiencing issues with multi-page pdfs, some would be fine while others appeared to have mini-pages (junk pages) for all pages past page one.  This updated script fixed this problem for us.  The updated script is below.  Hope it's helpful to someone.









    ALTER             PROCEDURE spSQL2PDF_2

       @filename VARCHAR(200),

       @font_size VARCHAR(3)


      CREATE TABLE #pdf (idnumber INT IDENTITY(1,1)

            ,code NVARCHAR(400))

      CREATE TABLE #xref (idnumber INT IDENTITY(1,1)

            ,code VARCHAR(40))

      CREATE TABLE #text (idnumber INT IDENTITY(1,1)

            ,code VARCHAR(400))

    --New Temp Table, 3/22/2005 - BDL

      CREATE TABLE #pageobjects (idnumber INT IDENTITY(1,1)

            ,code VARCHAR(10))

      DECLARE @end VARCHAR(7),

       @beg   VARCHAR(7),

       @a1    VARCHAR(3),

       @a2    VARCHAR(3),

       @ad    VARCHAR(5),

       @cr    VARCHAR(8),

       @pr    VARCHAR(9),

       @ti    VARCHAR(6),

       @xstr  VARCHAR(10),

       @page  VARCHAR(800),

     @pdf   VARCHAR(200),

     @trenutniRed NVARCHAR(300),

       @rows   INT,

       @ofset  INT,

       @len    INT,

       @nopg   INT,

            @FS  INT,

     @ole    INT,

     @x  INT,

     @file   INT,

       @object INT

      SELECT @pdf = @filename + '.pdf' 

      SET @page = ''

      SET @nopg = 0

      SET @object = 6

      SET @end = 'endobj'

      SET @beg = ' 0 obj'

      SET @a1 = '<<'

      SET @a2 = '>>'

      SET @ad = ' 0 R'

      SET @cr = CHAR(67) + CHAR(114) + CHAR (101) + CHAR(97) + CHAR(116) + CHAR (111) + CHAR(114)

      SET @pr = CHAR(80) + CHAR(114) + CHAR (111) + CHAR(100) + CHAR(117) + CHAR (99 ) + CHAR(101) + CHAR(114)

      SET @ti = CHAR(84) + CHAR(105) + CHAR (116) + CHAR(108) + CHAR(101)

      SET @xstr = ' 00000 n'

      SET @ofset = 396 

      INSERT INTO #xref(code) VALUES ('xref')

      INSERT INTO #xref(code) VALUES ('0 10')

      INSERT INTO #xref(code) VALUES ('0000000000 65535 f')

      INSERT INTO #xref(code) VALUES ('0000000017' + @xstr)

      INSERT INTO #xref(code) VALUES ('0000000790' + @xstr)

      INSERT INTO #xref(code) VALUES ('0000000869' + @xstr)

      INSERT INTO #xref(code) VALUES ('0000000144' + @xstr)

      INSERT INTO #xref(code) VALUES ('0000000247' + @xstr)

      INSERT INTO #xref(code) VALUES ('0000000321' + @xstr)

      INSERT INTO #xref(code) VALUES ('0000000396' + @xstr) 

      INSERT INTO #pdf (code) VALUES ('%' + CHAR(80) + CHAR(68) + CHAR (70) + '-1.2')

      INSERT INTO #pdf (code) VALUES ('%ÓÓÓÓ')

      INSERT INTO #pdf (code) VALUES ('1' + @beg)

      INSERT INTO #pdf (code) VALUES (@a1)

      INSERT INTO #pdf (code) VALUES ('/' + @cr + ' (Ivica Masar ' + CHAR(80) + CHAR(83) + CHAR (79) + CHAR(80) + CHAR(68) + CHAR (70) + ')')

      INSERT INTO #pdf (code) VALUES ('/' + @pr + ' (stored procedure for ms sql')

      INSERT INTO #pdf (code) VALUES ('/' + @ti + ' (SQL2' + CHAR(80) + CHAR(68) + CHAR (70) + ')')

      INSERT INTO #pdf (code) VALUES (@a2)

      INSERT INTO #pdf (code) VALUES (@end)

      INSERT INTO #pdf (code) VALUES ('4' + @beg)

      INSERT INTO #pdf (code) VALUES (@a1)

      INSERT INTO #pdf (code) VALUES ('/Type /Font')

      INSERT INTO #pdf (code) VALUES ('/Subtype /Type1')

      INSERT INTO #pdf (code) VALUES ('/Name /F1')

      INSERT INTO #pdf (code) VALUES ('/Encoding 5' + @ad)

      INSERT INTO #pdf (code) VALUES ('/BaseFont /Courier')

      INSERT INTO #pdf (code) VALUES (@a2)

      INSERT INTO #pdf (code) VALUES (@end)

      INSERT INTO #pdf (code) VALUES ('5' + @beg)

      INSERT INTO #pdf (code) VALUES (@a1)

      INSERT INTO #pdf (code) VALUES ('/Type /Encoding')

      INSERT INTO #pdf (code) VALUES ('/BaseEncoding /WinAnsiEncoding')

      INSERT INTO #pdf (code) VALUES (@a2)

      INSERT INTO #pdf (code) VALUES (@end)

      INSERT INTO #pdf (code) VALUES ('6' + @beg)

      INSERT INTO #pdf (code) VALUES (@a1)

      INSERT INTO #pdf (code) VALUES ('  /Font ' + @a1 + ' /F1 4' + @ad + ' ' + @a2 + '  /ProcSet [ /' + CHAR(80) + CHAR(68) + CHAR (70) + ' /Text ]')

      INSERT INTO #pdf (code) VALUES (@a2)

      INSERT INTO #pdf (code) VALUES (@end)

    --Insert statement below won't allow Order by clause

    --did inserts through a cursor to circumvent

    --  INSERT INTO #text(code) (SELECT LEFT(code, 200) FROM tblReportPDF)

    --Accomplished Inserts in Order through a cursor, 3/22/2005 - BDL

      DECLARE @TextCode char(200)

      DECLARE TextCursor CURSOR

      FOR SELECT LEFT(code, 200) FROM tblReportPDF ORDER BY report_id

      OPEN TextCursor

      FETCH NEXT FROM TextCursor INTO @TextCode



        INSERT INTO #text(code) VALUES(@TextCode)

        FETCH NEXT FROM TextCursor INTO @TextCode


      CLOSE TextCursor

      DEALLOCATE TextCursor

      SELECT @x = COUNT(*) FROM #text

      SELECT @x = (@x / 60) + 1

      WHILE  @nopg < @x




          FOR SELECT SUBSTRING((code + SPACE(81)), 1, 300) FROM #text WHERE idnumber BETWEEN ((@nopg * 60) + 1) AND ((@nopg + 1) * 60 )

          FOR READ ONLY   

          OPEN SysKursor

          FETCH NEXT FROM SysKursor INTO @trenutniRed

          SELECT @object = @object + 1

          SELECT @page = ' ' + CAST(@object AS VARCHAR) + @ad

    --Inserts each page into new temp table. 

    --Thus accumulating all indirect references to page objects, 3/22/2005 - BDL

          INSERT INTO #pageobjects(code) VALUES(@page)

          SELECT @len = LEN(@object) + LEN(@object + 1)

          INSERT INTO #pdf (code) VALUES (CAST(@object AS VARCHAR)  + @beg)

          INSERT INTO #pdf (code) VALUES (@a1)

          INSERT INTO #pdf (code) VALUES ('/Type /Page')

          INSERT INTO #pdf (code) VALUES ('/Parent 3' + @ad)

          INSERT INTO #pdf (code) VALUES ('/Resources 6' + @ad)

          SELECT @object = @object + 1

          INSERT INTO #pdf (code) VALUES ('/Contents ' + CAST(@object AS VARCHAR) + @ad)

          INSERT INTO #pdf (code) VALUES (@a2)

          INSERT INTO #pdf (code) VALUES (@end)

          SELECT @ofset = @len + 86 + @ofset

          INSERT INTO #xref(code) (SELECT SUBSTRING('0000000000' + CAST(@ofset AS VARCHAR),

         LEN('0000000000' + CAST(@ofset AS VARCHAR)) - 9,

         LEN('0000000000' + CAST(@ofset AS VARCHAR))) + @xstr) 

          INSERT INTO #pdf (code) VALUES (CAST(@object AS VARCHAR)  + @beg)

          INSERT INTO #pdf (code) VALUES (@a1)

          SELECT @object = @object + 1

          INSERT INTO #pdf (code) VALUES ('/Length ' + CAST(@object AS VARCHAR) + @ad)

          INSERT INTO #pdf (code) VALUES (@a2)

          INSERT INTO #pdf (code) VALUES ('stream')

          INSERT INTO #pdf (code) VALUES ('BT')


          INSERT INTO #pdf (code) VALUES ('/F1 ' + @font_size + ' Tf')

          INSERT INTO #pdf (code) VALUES ('1 0 0 1 30 802 Tm')

          INSERT INTO #pdf (code) VALUES ('12 TL')

          WHILE @@Fetch_Status = 0


                 INSERT INTO #pdf (code) VALUES ('T* (' + @trenutniRed + ') Tj')

                 FETCH NEXT FROM  SysKursor INTO @trenutniRed


          INSERT INTO #pdf (code) VALUES ('ET')

          INSERT INTO #pdf (code) VALUES ('endstream')

          INSERT INTO #pdf (code) VALUES (@end)

          SELECT @rows = (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM #text WHERE idnumber BETWEEN ((@nopg * 60) + 1) AND ((@nopg + 1) * 60 ))* 90 + 45

          SELECT @nopg = @nopg + 1   

          SELECT @len = LEN(@object) + LEN(@object - 1)

          SELECT @ofset = @len + 57 + @ofset + @rows

          INSERT INTO #xref(code) (SELECT SUBSTRING('0000000000' + CAST(@ofset AS VARCHAR),

          LEN('0000000000' + CAST(@ofset AS VARCHAR)) - 9,

        LEN('0000000000' + CAST(@ofset AS VARCHAR))) + @xstr)  

          INSERT INTO #pdf (code) VALUES (CAST(@object AS VARCHAR)  + @beg)

          INSERT INTO #pdf (code) VALUES (@rows)

          INSERT INTO #pdf (code) VALUES (@end)

          SELECT @len = LEN(@object) + LEN(@rows)

          SELECT @ofset = @len + 18 + @ofset

          INSERT INTO #xref(code) (SELECT SUBSTRING('0000000000' + CAST(@ofset AS VARCHAR),

         LEN('0000000000' + CAST(@ofset AS VARCHAR)) - 9,

         LEN('0000000000' + CAST(@ofset AS VARCHAR))) + @xstr) 

          CLOSE SysKursor

          DEALLOCATE SysKursor


        INSERT INTO #pdf (code) VALUES ('2' + @beg)

        INSERT INTO #pdf (code) VALUES (@a1)

        INSERT INTO #pdf (code) VALUES ('/Type /Catalog')

        INSERT INTO #pdf (code) VALUES ('/Pages 3' + @ad)

        INSERT INTO #pdf (code) VALUES ('/PageLayout /OneColumn')

        INSERT INTO #pdf (code) VALUES (@a2)

        INSERT INTO #pdf (code) VALUES (@end)

        UPDATE #xref SET code = (SELECT code FROM #xref WHERE idnumber = (SELECT MAX(idnumber) FROM #xref)) WHERE idnumber = 5

        DELETE FROM #xref WHERE idnumber = (SELECT MAX(idnumber) FROM #xref)

        INSERT INTO #pdf (code) VALUES ('3' + @beg)

        INSERT INTO #pdf (code) VALUES (@a1)

        INSERT INTO #pdf (code) VALUES ('/Type /Pages')

        INSERT INTO #pdf (code) VALUES ('/Count ' + CAST(@nopg AS VARCHAR))

        INSERT INTO #pdf (code) VALUES ('/MediaBox [ 0 0 595 842 ]')

    --Replaced indirect reference of only the last page object

    --with indirect references of all the page objects, 3/22/2005 - BDL

    --    INSERT INTO #pdf (code) VALUES ('/Kids [' + @page + ' ]')

        INSERT INTO #pdf (code) VALUES ('/Kids [')

        INSERT INTO #pdf (code) SELECT code FROM #pageobjects ORDER BY idnumber

        INSERT INTO #pdf (code) VALUES (']')

        INSERT INTO #pdf (code) VALUES (@a2)

        INSERT INTO #pdf (code) VALUES (@end)

        SELECT @ofset = @ofset + 79

        UPDATE #xref SET code =(SELECT SUBSTRING('0000000000' + CAST(@ofset AS VARCHAR),

       LEN('0000000000' + CAST(@ofset AS VARCHAR)) - 9,

       LEN('0000000000' + CAST(@ofset AS VARCHAR))) + @xstr) WHERE idnumber = 6

        INSERT INTO #xref(code) VALUES ('trailer')

        INSERT INTO #xref(code) VALUES (@a1)

        SELECT @object = @object + 1

        UPDATE #xref SET code = '0 ' + CAST(@object AS VARCHAR) WHERE idnumber = 2

        INSERT INTO #xref(code) VALUES ('/Size ' + CAST(@object AS VARCHAR))

        INSERT INTO #xref(code) VALUES ('/Root 2' + @ad)

        INSERT INTO #xref(code) VALUES ('/Info 1' + @ad)

        INSERT INTO #xref(code) VALUES (@a2)

        INSERT INTO #xref(code) VALUES ('startxref')

        SELECT @len = LEN(@nopg) + LEN(@page)

        SELECT @ofset = @len + 86 + @ofset

        INSERT INTO #xref(code) VALUES (@ofset)

        INSERT INTO #xref(code) VALUES ('%%' + CHAR(69) + CHAR (79) + CHAR(70))

        INSERT INTO #pdf (code) (SELECT code FROM #xref)

        --SELECT code FROM #pdf

        SELECT @trenutniRed = 'del '+ @pdf

        EXECUTE @ole = sp_OACreate 'Scripting.FileSystemObject', @FS OUT

        EXEC master..xp_cmdshell @trenutniRed, NO_OUTPUT

        EXECUTE @ole = sp_OAMethod @FS, 'OpenTextFile', @file OUT, @pdf, 8, 1


        FOR SELECT code FROM #pdf ORDER BY idnumber

        FOR READ ONLY   

        OPEN SysKursor

        FETCH NEXT FROM SysKursor INTO @trenutniRed

        WHILE @@Fetch_Status = 0


       EXECUTE @ole = sp_OAMethod @file, 'WriteLine', Null, @trenutniRed

       FETCH NEXT FROM  SysKursor INTO @trenutniRed


        CLOSE SysKursor

        DEALLOCATE SysKursor

        TRUNCATE TABLE tblReportPDF

        EXECUTE @ole = sp_OADestroy @file

        EXECUTE @ole = sp_OADestroy @FS










  • I think it is a good and working solution.

    I shall be reccommending this solution to my clients. they always like something good for nothing.

  • This is the most amazing and cost-effective way shown in the article for creating PDF from sql. It's a beautiful article, I really loved it.

  • Hi,

    Let me give everybody a tip here. LaTeX is this fantastic mark up language that produces camera ready PDF, fully bookmarked, fully annotated directly. Works like a charm.


  • Great procedure but some work could be done to make it clearer what you are doing.  Also, where are the specs for PDF's?  That would be handy.


  • Yes, it would be helpful to understand all the variables and sections, so that it could be adapted to local use.  Thanks very much, though.  It works as promised, but I'm not sure how to edit it for use.


    David Thayer

  • Im getting this error when I run the command sql2pdf 'filename'


    OLE Automation objects are not supported in fiber mode.


    any clues


  • I love it!!!  Thanks for taking the time to create and share this code.

  • You have set your SQL Server to run using lightweight NT fibres rather than threads.  Somewhere on the MS site there is a discussion about the pros and cons - you should run in fibre mode only in very few cases - the default for SQL Server and the mode that is best suited to most things on SQL is to run it in threaded mode.  When you run in fibre mode, things like OLE automation (which gets involved in threads, apartments, etc - fibres don't tend to mix with this) just don't work if you have fibre mode on.

    Run Enterprise manager, bring up the properties of your server and turn off fibre mode in one of the property pages.

    Hope that helps

  • Ian,

              Thanks for the information. I did look "use Windows NT fibers" setting up in the server and it was turned off.

          Does SQL server 7 has anything to it ?


  • Hmmm... Try a google search with the imporart part of the error string - surround it with quotes in Google and see what you come up with.  I've read stuff about errors like that before - trust Google

  • very good SPs. Thanks. But how can we export selected data to a paper with different size (e.g. Legal) and orientation (e.g. Landscape)?

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