create table and exec

  • Hi,

    Is it possible to create a table from an  exec(select ....)


  • Yes, exec( 'create table( myid int)')

  • No I would like to create a table from the following exec request :

     exec (select * from sysdatabases)

    But I don't want to change the exec part !!!

  • exec ('select * into TempTable from sysdatabases')

    exec ('select * into ##TempTable from sysdatabases')

    If you use single #, the table is not accesible outside the exec statement

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  • One other option is to create your table and insert into it the results of the exec(sql) statement.

    A simple example:

    create table t1 (firstname varchar(50), lastname varchar(50), phone varchar(15))

    insert into t1 exec('select firstname, lastname, phone from customers')

    This is also handy if you want to capture the results of a stored procedure call.  Say you wish to capture the results of a call to sp_who2 - create a table with the same structure as the resultset sp_who2 returns, then run

    insert into who2 exec sp_who2


    Carter Burleigh

    But boss, why must the urgent always take precedence over the important?

  • I would like to do what cburleigh suggested with a little extra.

    I'm looking to aggregate information from exec statements into the temporary table along with identifying information as to the original source of the row.

    For example, imagine two stored procedures which return a set of rows that in this case consist of a single string. I would like to be able to annotate which rows came from which stored procedure in the temporary table as well as give them unique ids. (pseudo-tsql):

    create table #t1(unique_id int, src_proc varchar(50), name (varchar(50))

    insert into #t1 exec sproc1(param1, param2)

    insert into #t1 exec sproc2(param3, param4)

    After the two inserts, #t1 would look like:

    1, "sproc1", "row 1 from sproc1"

    2, "sproc1", "row 2 from sproc1"


    n-1, "sproc2", "row x-1 from sproc2"

    n, "sproc2", "row x from sproc2"

    where n is the amount of rows in the temporary table and equal to x + y where x and y are the number of rows generated by sproc1 and sproc2, respectively.

    Thanks in advance for your assistance.

  • My first thought this morning is to create temporary tables for each stored procedure that have the exact same schema as the result set returned by the stored procedures.

    Then, have one master temp table, #master, that has the structure for #t1 defined above and a default value for null for src_proc. After an insert into select * for each stored procedure, I can update #master set, src_proc = "sprocn" where src_proc IS NULL where "sprocn" refers to the appropriate stored procedure.

    However, this feels very kludgy. Is there a simple solution here that I'm missing?

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